Review: Mesozooic
Ever since Jurassic Park premiered, everyone has wanted to build a dinosaur theme park. While→
Ever since Jurassic Park premiered, everyone has wanted to build a dinosaur theme park. While→
If you’re over the age of 30, Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) books were most→
The Infinity Engine–a doomsday device–has been destroyed, and with it most of the world. But→
That last few years have seen the release of some amazing abstract games. I wan’t→
There’s a certain beauty in a subway line map. Sure it’s utilitarian, but it’s admirable→
When I reviewed Codenames after its initial release in 2015, I wrote, This year has→
The Pyramids. Across the desert’s landscape, they’re the first thing you notice. And when you→
Sheep farming seemed like a great idea before you realized your pastureland was in the→
As I mentioned in my review of Welcome To… several weeks ago, roll and write→
Building a kingdom is easy. Â Building a legendary one is another matter. Â Sure, cobbling together→
Cats are awesome. (Dogs are better. My dog made me write that.) For those who→
It is simply baffling to you how some can comment on the Roman Empire’s brutality.→
The monsters are back in Japan, wreaking havoc and attempting to rule over the country’s→
While exploring, you stumble upon some strange glyphs–hints at how the ancient temple of Menara→
Epic quests may be adventurous, showering glory and riches upon those who journey forth to→
It’s no secret that I’m always on the lookout for two-player games that offer an→
If there’s one thing we should learn from games like Azul or Santorini, it’s to→
Journey once again to the land of Vigil, where you and your opponents recruit heroes→
It sure seemed like a great idea to rob the Pyramid of Pengqueen of its→
Contrary to what Disney would have you believe, the forest is a dangerous place for→
Being a lover of dice, I’m naturally drawn to roll and write games. (So called→
Two overarching philosophies drive role-playing designs. Â There are hard hitting, fast paced, stats reliant, dice→
Do you know the fastest way from Amsterdam to Ankara? What about from Madrid to→
Depending on your source Fairies can be helpful, malicious, mischievous, hidden, easy to find, spiritual,→
Those big black monoliths are at it again. In the famed 2001: A Space Odyssey,→
The city of DÈ—hr is a happening place. It’s the center of culture, commerce, and politics.→
Grackles are known to congregate on telephone wires and sing their noisy, tone-deaf songs (and→
It’s renovation time at Kilt Castle, and the various family leaders can’t agree on how→
It’s 2018 and there is no shortage of deck building games in the tabletop hobby.→
The world as we know has been shattered. Bands of roving marauders litter the landscape→
The ailing master is finally dying, and it’s up to his students to prove their→
Ancient Carthage! Carthage was known for its status as a trading hub, yet the only→