Wondering what our ratings mean? Let us break it down for you:
We use a simple 10 pt rating system, based on a variety of factors, including mechanisms, rulebooks, implementation of theme, game balance, and general sense of fun. For simplicities sake, we always round to the nearest 0.5.
10.0: PERFECT: I would be very surprised if any game got this rating.
9.0-9.9: EXCELLENT: Games with extremely solid mechanical systems, with a great theme (or that are so fun they obviate the need for a theme), no broken rules, no major flaws, very fun. Knows what it’s trying to do and does is very well
8.0-8.9: VERY GOOD: Solid, enjoyable games that are fun to play. May not be as tight or perfectly balance, but creates a good gaming experience. One or two finnicky rules, but nothing is broken. Or, just a great game that is missing some slight ooomph that prevents it from being excellent.
7.0-7.9: GOOD: It’s enjoyable, but maybe not the game you’re always going to want to play. Maybe not as replayable as other games, or just missing a strong hook that really makes it a winner.
6.0-6.9: AVERAGE: It’s playable, but there are other games out there that do something similar, but better. Or it’s a new idea that wasn’t implemented extremely well. It may have a broken rule or two, but it’s still playable
5.0-5.9: LAME: it’s technically not broken, but it just isn’t very fun to play. Lackluster showing. Mechanics don’t make up for a dull theme.
4.0-4.9: DISTASTEFUL: It may be a “game” per say, but it’s just not that fun.
1.0-3.9: BROKEN: Unplayable. Unfun. Offensive to humanity. Stuff like that.
0.0: HATEFUL: you tried to play the game, but it wasn’t a game. It was an evil mutation that killed your mother and/or your significant other.