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Review: Unmatched: Cobble & Fog
I had my eye on the Unmatched series for a long while before getting to play Cobble & Fog. The→
Review: The Road to Canterbury (2021 Edition)
When I reviewed Illumination a couple of weeks ago, I lamented that I’d never been able to play its “spiritual→
Review: Illumination
It’s no secret around these parts that I’m a big fan of Alf Seegert’s games. Very few have failed to→
2020 Holiday Gift Guide
What a year it has been, my friends. Rampant diseases, stay-at-home orders, and all manner of other shenanigans. Perhaps because→
Ruel’s Rundown, September 23, 2020: Three Games I’ve Enjoyed
Welcome to Ruel’s Rundown, a bi-weekly series where I share my initial impressions and thoughts on three board games I’ve→
Review: The Liberation of Rietburg
Set in the world of Andor (as first introduced in the game Legends of Andor), the Liberation of Rietburg hones→
Ruel’s Rundown, September 9, 2020: Three Games I’ve Enjoyed
Welcome to Ruel’s Rundown, a bi-weekly series where I share my initial impressions and thoughts on three board games I’ve→
Ruel’s Rundown, August 27, 2020: Three Games I’ve Enjoyed
In this bi-weekly series I’m offering initial impressions and thoughts on three board games I’ve enjoyed recently. While many of→
Review: Pictures
“Everyone has an artist in them; they just need to find the right tools” – some famous artist, probably. It’s→
Ruel’s Rundown: Three Games I’ve Enjoyed Recently
Hi friends! I hope you’re staying safe and getting the chance to play board games these days or maybe other→
A little bit of Gen Con
Despite a certain pandemic ruining everything across the globe, the steady march of new board game releases will not be→
Looking Back: XCOM
It’s strange to think that XCOM is now old enough to “look back” and reflect on how it has aged→
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Review: Unmatched: Cobble & Fog
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Preview: Galactic Era
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