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Review: Dragon Market
Blue Orange has carved a niche for themselves by consistently publishing games that look great, have nice components, and are→
Review: Slide Quest
I’ve said before that cooperative games don’t really do it for me unless they have some sort of gimmick, and→
The Village Square: December 16, 2019
Need some last-minute suggestions for gifts? Check out our 2019 Holiday gift guide! Barkham Horror Is A Real ThingWhat started→
Review: Trapper Keeper Game
My age puts me squarely within Generation X. I am a child of the 80’s, with fond memories of every→
Review: Funkoverse Strategy Game
What if you could pit any character from your favorite movie, book, or comic franchises against any other character from→
Review: Whozit?
Each Christmas gathering when I was growing up would see a mix of old party games and new, but whether→
The Village Square: December 2, 2019
Hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday weekend. What board game deals did you score? Share them with us→
2019 Holiday Gift Guide
It’s that time of year yet again! We here at iSlaytheDragon, like many others, have collected a list of our→
Review: Marvel Champions
Marvel superheroes have become a pop culture phenomenon, rocketing skyward largely thanks to the MCU. We love a good hero→
Review: Son of Doctor Esker’s Notebook
Earlier this year I reviewed Doctor Esker’s Notebook, a puzzle game similar to an escape room but without the overarching→
The Village Square: November 18, 2019
If you’re not following our very own Alex Singh on YouTube, subscribe to his channel for some amazing board game→
Review: Bloom
I enjoy a good little roll and write game when I have some time to kill and just want to→
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Review: Butterfly
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Preview: Sky Dynasty
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