Curiouser and curiouser
Releasing after Essen, DrawLab announced the publication of Alice in Wonderland, a word party game of character role powers where one is the Evil Queen banning the use of certain letters each round. Oh, and there’s an electronic teapot timer, because, of course!
Source: https://www.drawlab.com/games/alice-in-wordland/?v=7516fd43adaa
Set sail
In November, Capstone Games will release Alexander Pfister’s new design, Maracaibo, about 17th century Caribbean adventure and glory-seeking, Euro-game style.
Source: https://www.capstone-games.com/product-page/maracaibo
Don’t go into the box!
Lucky Duck Games releases Paranormal Detectives next month, a cooperative deduction party game in which one player is the ghost trying to give clues to their demise for the other player detectives!
Source: https://www.phdgames.com/paranormal-detectives-lucky-duck-games/
Mad Max, oui, oui?
Matagot announced the release of Paris: New Eden for October. The dice drafting design is set in a post-apocalyptic world where players recruit survivors, fend for them, and complete quests.
Source: https://icv2.com/articles/news/view/43921/matagot-explores-paris-new-eden
Record and scoot!
Successfully Kickstarted Dungeonology: The Expedition will hit retail this November from Ludus Magnus Studios. The unique dungeon crawler with sweet minis tasks players not as adventurers slaying monsters and stealing loot, but rather scholars studying them and recording their habits and lifestyles!
Source: http://ludusmagnusstudio.com/
Put that camel to use
This week Stronghold Games releases the new Amul, a fast-paced beautifully illustrated card drafting and hand-management design of market goods trading and speculation.
Source: https://strongholdgames.com/store/available-for-preorder/amul-preorder/
Head in the clouds
This month Arcane Wonders will release Architectura, a card-laying, city-grid building design with variable player powers in which the cards affect other cards based on where everything is played.
Source: https://www.arcanewonders.com/game/architectura/
Got more Fluxx?
Looney Labs’ perennial Fluxx is now venturing into the worlds of Marvel and Jumanji!
Source: https://www.looneylabs.com/news/when-where-you-can-find-marvel-jumanji-fluxx
Upcoming Board Game Conventions
September 5-8. Buckeye Game Fest. Columbus, OH
September 6-8. Lone Star Game Expo. Grapevine, TX
September 20-22. AppleCon1. Cornish, ME
September 27-29. Falcon 2019. Stamford, CT
October 4-6. TokenCon. Oklahoma City, OK
October 11-13. FlatCon. Bloomington, IL
October 11-13. CinCityCon. Cincinnati, OH.
October 25-27. Cardboard Caucus. West Des Moies, IA
October 31-November 3. Gamehole Con. Madison, WI
November 8-10. MACE. Charlotte, NC
November 14-17. Midwest GamesFest. Independence, MO
November 20-24. BGG Con. Dallas, TX
November 21-24. Chicago Toy & Game Fair. Chicago, IL
November 29-December 1. GobbleCon. San Francisco, CA
December 6-8. PAX Unplugged. Philadelphia, PA
Visit casualgamerevolution.com for more convention listings.