So, You Got a Board Game for Christmas. Now What?
Now that the holidays have passed and the dust is beginning to settle, you may→
Now that the holidays have passed and the dust is beginning to settle, you may→
Today is my 35th birthday. What better time to reflect on all the great games→
Once upon a time I struggled with buying way too many games. More than I→
I used to suffer from an acute case of “completion-itis.” And FOMO. If I loved→
Board games are great exercise for our brains. Playing board games has been shown (at→
Mass market games get a lot of hate in the board gaming community. (If you’re→
In addition to board games, my other hobby/obsession is Lego. In the Lego world there→
For those of us who grew up with board games, there’s often a strong nostalgia→
It’s not a coincidence that every year about this time I put my board game→
Losing sucks, right? No one sits down at a table across from friends thinking boy→
In celebration of my first 100 reviews here on iSlaytheDragon.com, I’m looking back to see→
I recently posted my 100th review here at iSlaytheDragon. Time flies because it doesn’t seem→
Welcome to my first top 10 list in which I lay out a definitive, undisputable→
One of the most frequently discussed questions on BoardGameGeek is, “How do I get my→
Try researching how many board games are produced each year and you’ll struggle to find→
Cold and flu season is upon us once again. Conveniently, it also coincides with what→
Last week I attended my fourth straight Origins. Once again it was as a temporary→
I’ve been threatening to do this for a while. And by “threat,” I mean that→
I’ve mentioned before that I have the most opportunity to play games over my lunch hour→
You might have heard the Indian parable about the blind men and the elephant. If→
7 Wonders is a beautiful game. It has fantastic artwork and a vibrant range of→
I’ve mentioned before that I have the most opportunity to play games over my lunch hour→
What I’m about to say probably shouldn’t hit you with any force. It’s something you→
Last year marked Reiner Knizia’s thirtieth anniversary of designing games, and to commemorate the occasion, he→
Whether you’re waiting for the turkey to finish cooking or you’re recovering from a food-induced→
Believe it or not we here at iSlayTheDragon do not agree on everything. Perhaps you’ve→
We’re in the midst of the Dice Tower’s Top 100 Games of All Time series,→
Fantasy Flight’s living card game system has proven quite popular and commercially lucrative since they→
In some ways, committing opinions to writing always makes a liar of me, or at least→
When I first started gaming, I sought out a lot of recommendations for two player→
Unfortunately, for a hobby that amounts to big kids playing with toys, there are a→
2015 is looking to be the year of Rosenberg for me. That is if you→