News Bits: 6/3/2013
I was on vacation last week, so I’m still catching up on news. But here’s→
I was on vacation last week, so I’m still catching up on news. But here’s→
News, news, newsworthy news: Mayfair Games sponsors GenCon guest of honor Walter Koenig [Link] Presumably→
Categorizing mechanics can be a tricky thing as we recently saw in a series of→
A tower to the sky? You don’t really know why they’re building it, but hey,→
A fairly light week as far as news is concerned, but there’s some good stuff→
This week’s NEWS: Steve Jackson asks, “Would you like to be acquired?” [Link] Steve Jackson Games, probably→
Lots and lots of news this week: TableTop invites you to International Tabletop Day [Link]→
Starting near the end of April 2011, I began to track every game I play→
Another week jam-packed with news. Here it is: Z-Man Games announces new version of Pandemic→
I know: the title of this review is probably not making you very enthusiastic about→
“It’s that time of year, when the world falls in love…” It’s also that time→
Ticket to Ride: Europe Now Available for iPhone I’m an Android man myself, but Days→
Especially now with a new baby in the house, most of my gaming takes place→
Here at iSlaytheDragon, we sometimes receive correspondence from our readers (which we love!). Usually we→
Now that 2011 has come to a close, we can safely look back at all→
This is my first post in a while. Sorry about the silence from my end;→
[Note: Want to see how 7 Wonders has stood the test of time? See our→
Living as I do on the edge of civilization (or at least far away from→
One of many things I’ve learned about grammar and editing is that there aren’t as→