Review: Takenoko Chibis
The Emperor of China, in a gesture of peace and goodwill, gave you a male→
The Emperor of China, in a gesture of peace and goodwill, gave you a male→
Command an astounding armada of airships against a cunning cohort of enemies! Deploy daring, death-defying→
Really, they had it all. Divine favor and protection had delivered the Jews from bondage,→
FORBIDDEN! You laugh at the sound of the word! After all, you’ve heard it before…and→
They call the island, Forbidden. A little dramatic, perhaps. You don’t believe in any of→
Many years ago, a fellow named Richard Garfield created a card game that found its→
[Editors note: The following is a Nemesis Review, featuring opinions from our in-house thematic-loving @futurewolfie→