Guns and Swords and Uniforms (Futurewolfie’s Top 6 Combat Mechanisms)
War. Conflict. This is a driving force in many board games, and it makes sense.→
War. Conflict. This is a driving force in many board games, and it makes sense.→
Things are a little lighter this week because everyone was at or talking about Essen→
The kingdom is at war! Use your meager resources to rally your troops and launch→
“It’s the holiday season…” Or at least it’s coming. And that’s probably why this was→
It’s an age-old topic of debate. Games come with a variety of parts. Sometimes tokens→
We all have games we love and games we strongly dislike. Usually we get pretty good→
Now that 2011 has come to a close, we can safely look back at all→
Christmas is right around the corner, and this means that gift-buying season is in full→
We discussed it earlier—the near tragedy of the box that sits. Variety may be the→
There is no I in “team” (though if you rearrange the letters, you can get→
[Editors note: The following is a Nemesis Review, featuring opinions from our in-house thematic-loving @futurewolfie→
I’ve heard it defended as “protecting your investment.” I’ve heard detractors say, “It’s like your→
Not to beat a dead horse, but since this was not my first run at→
On Thursday night after work, @Futurewolfie and I and our friend Blake piled into the→