Review: Villages of Valeria
Every great victory comes at a cost. When peace and security are won again, the→
Every great victory comes at a cost. When peace and security are won again, the→
Depending on your source Fairies can be helpful, malicious, mischievous, hidden, easy to find, spiritual,→
Yes, that title is typed correctly. I know. It looks a bit disjointed. But that’s→
Breaking into the apothecary scene isn’t as easy as 1-2-3. You’d think assembling and mixing→
Today, we “sit down” with Paul Imboden, publisher of Paradox. This unique design is currently on→
[Ed. note: This is a preview of a non-final, prototype of the game. Our opinions→
Really, they had it all. Divine favor and protection had delivered the Jews from bondage,→
Indeed, Christmas comes but once a year – as does our holiday gift guide.→
One of the main reasons I enjoy playing war games is because, to put it→
Rats got a bad rap in the 14th Century. It wasn’t their fault they carried→
Civilization doesn’t just happen. Before a society can enjoy the fruits of progress, foundations must→
Here at iSlaytheDragon, we sometimes receive correspondence from our readers (which we love!). Usually we→