Review: Sakura
It is time for the emperor’s annual trip through the garden, and you are determined→
It is time for the emperor’s annual trip through the garden, and you are determined→
Indeed, Christmas comes but once a year – as does our holiday gift guide.→
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Each year I go on a trip with my family and a big chunk→
I began tracking my plays on Board Game Geek in 2011 (because I like lists→
Lots of NEWS this week: International TableTop Day returns April 5, 2014 [Link] I didn’t→
We here at iSlaytheDragon play a lot of games over the course of a year,→
Trapped in the 9th Dimension, engines down. This is your predicament; the only working device→
As promised, this week’s NEWS is back to business and bursting at the seams. Without→
This week’s NEWS is a little light, unless you follow the rabbit holes in the→
The NEWS: Ticket to Ride joins Android 7 humble bundle [Link] I paid the recommended→
Another week that begins with the NEWS: Spielbox teases deluxe edition of Hanabi [Link] Well, this looks awesome…though nearly→
Yesterday, FarmerLenny wrote up his experience at Gen Con, primarily regarding the games he played.→
Gen Con is billed as “the best four days in gaming,” and it must be→