Review: The Road to Canterbury (2021 Edition)
When I reviewed Illumination a couple of weeks ago, I lamented that I’d never been→
When I reviewed Illumination a couple of weeks ago, I lamented that I’d never been→
It’s no secret around these parts that I’m a big fan of Alf Seegert’s games.→
If you want to be King of the Bears, there are tests to pass. You→
This week we’re doing something we don’t do that often here at the Dragon, and→
My age puts me squarely within Generation X. I am a child of the 80’s,→
I am not a cat lover. I am a dog person. And yet… I keep→
What do zoo animals do when they get fed up with zoo life? They hijack→
I’m a sucker for any game that replicates the theme park building experience. If you→
Every great victory comes at a cost. When peace and security are won again, the→
Papua, New Guinea is one of the most ecologically diverse locales in the world with→
I’m a bird lover. We have feeders and houses all over our yard, and springtime→
The full name of this game is The Legend of the Cherry Tree That Blossoms→
I’ve sort of become the ‘Dragon’s de facto two-player game reviewer. It’s my most common→
I’ve never envied the jobs of Santa and his elves, but being a new parent→
I love gingerbread houses. Well, any sort of baked good that can be made into→
Cats are awesome. (Dogs are better. My dog made me write that.) For those who→
It’s no secret that I’m always on the lookout for two-player games that offer an→
Two overarching philosophies drive role-playing designs. Â There are hard hitting, fast paced, stats reliant, dice→
Cute games for little kids aren’t the only thing HABA has to offer. For something→
My wife and I took a road trip to the Pacific Northwest and I learned→
Alf Seegert is one of my favorite game designers. He won me over with Trollhalla,→
Seikatsu was one of several 2017 abstract releases to utilize the “line of sight” mechanism.→
Sometimes, when considering games to review, I know going in that it’s something I’m likely→
Stop me if you’ve heard this one – the throne is emp-, huh, what? Oh,→
If you’ve followed my reviews over the years, you know that I love life simulation→
One persistent  problem in the board game hobby is perseverance.  We don’t often stick with→
One of the things that surprised me when I got into board gaming was just→
World Wars I & II were not actually the first and second global conflicts. Â It→
Ticket to Ride remains one of my all time favorite games. Despite the fact that→
I was a latecomer to the Splendor love train. When it came out, I looked→
Dogs make such a great theme for games. You can race them (as in Snow→
When I was in college (long, long ago), I visited the real Basilica de la→