Review: Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures
A series of brutal, unsolved murders in Whitechapel, and Scotland Yard, as usual, is at→
A series of brutal, unsolved murders in Whitechapel, and Scotland Yard, as usual, is at→
There’s no greater detective than one Sherlock Holmes, 221B Baker Street, London. But that doesn’t→
Adventuring is a hard business. One minute you’re delving into cavernous treasure troves, the next→
A violent crime. A vast conspiracy or a case of mistaken identity? When two of→
Jack the Ripper is the best known pseudonym for the serial killer who was active in→
Do you idolize Sherlock Homes? When you were young did you run around your backyard→
[ed. note: Some of our readers have wondered if this review contains spoilers. Don’t worry→