Review: Werewords
The village mayor has discovered a magic word that will expel the werewolves from your→
The village mayor has discovered a magic word that will expel the werewolves from your→
The monster awakes in the morning and wants to RAMPAGE! Or write poetry. Mostly RAMPAGE!→
I usually begin explaining the rules for Insider by reading the back of the box:→
Being an artist isn’t as hard as it looks. At least, you’re convinced it’s a→
Dracula’s thrown a party! What fun! Ah, but before Dracula can get his own true→
It seems like every other week these days we’re blessed with the release of a→
“So…what are you wearing today?” “Boots.” “When was the last time you saw your family?”→
[Ed. note: This is a preview of a non-final, non-production prototype demo of the game.→
Werewolf infestation has made the village unsafe at night. You and your neighbors band together→
The princess is sad and lonely, now that her mother has been carted away by→
Fireworks. The sound, the spectacle, the dazzling display. You’ve probably attended some good fireworks shows→
She looks you in the eye, trying to catch the slightest hint of betrayal. “I→
It is a dark time in Camelot. (If that sounds familiar, perhaps you recently read→
r The unnamed and generic Italianish city-state is in turmoil, and the people are looking→