Review: Cities: Skylines – The Board Game
Whether Rock N’ Roll is your preferred material, or concrete; whether it takes a day→
Whether Rock N’ Roll is your preferred material, or concrete; whether it takes a day→
What if you could pit any character from your favorite movie, book, or comic franchises→
2017 was in many ways the year of Michael Kiesling. Essen saw four of his→
You thought the energy crisis was solved when society finally switched to fully renewable solar→
Publisher: Daily Magic Games Designer: Levi Mote Ever wanted to settle the stars, compete for→
The dawn of civilization. Ancient cities and ancient relics. Empires vying for control of the→
Santorini, a city built by the gods on a small island south of Greece. Why→
When you were on land, it seemed like life aboard the underwater research center was→
‘What can I do you fer?’ ‘Um yeah, I’m looking to build a factory. I’m→
You stare at your clock, the day-glow 1:31 AM stinging your bleary eyes. Your body→
Alien hordes are on the horizon, and you are the only thing that stands between→
Travel opens up a world of new experiences, from exploring different cultures to indulging in→
Jack the Ripper is the best known pseudonym for the serial killer who was active in→
One of the main reasons I enjoy playing war games is because, to put it→
Yes, I am Scottish. Â Yes, I have tried Haggis, and yes, I actually enjoy it!→
I’m guessing everyone who cares about it heard Fantasy Flight’s announcement of a new Star→
Magellan paved the way from 1519-1522 – in ships – although he died and his→
It seems we humans like to spice things up a lot. Our daily routines, our→
You know what time of year it is? Spiel des Jahres! The nominations for→
Have you ever seen a Viking longship? I mean, it’s basically just a carved out→
Looking for a strategic war game that satisfies that epic appetite, yet can be played→
Why, Why, Why?! is a series of highly subjective, perhaps personally charged, and often→
Civilizations may be built on the sweaty backs of the workers, but they stick around→
We here at iSlaytheDragon love slaying dragons. I mean, it’s in our name and everything. →
I, Chess, take you, Dominion, to be my lawful wedded wife, to stack and build→
REX! Starring: LionsThe final days of the Lazax began in the seventy-third year of the→
After the first two turns, there are no guarantees. The specifics of what you do→
In previous posts, I discussed deck-building strategy, Dominion strategy, game terminology, and finally specific categories→
So we’ve gone through deck-building techniques, Dominion techniques, and finally specific Dominion card terms. So→
So you’re familiarizing yourself with deck-building concepts, and you’ve started to commit specific Dominion techniques→
So if you read the previous post, you may now have started to understand deck-building→
So you’ve got a copy of Dominion and a group of people to play with.→