Anybody got wheat? I got two logs!
Catan can be a very frustrating game sometimes. Despite the statistics and probabilities, sometimes the→
Catan can be a very frustrating game sometimes. Despite the statistics and probabilities, sometimes the→
As you may or may not have garnered from a recent post, I am working→
Allow me to introduce you all to a new character in my life: The Other→
Years ago, when I was in high school, I came up with my own board→
This post is dedicated to Adrian, also known to me as the Cousin Formerly Known→
Here’s a link to an interesting article from the Washington Post about Settlers of Catan→
My Apologies for the delay. My current schedule doesn’t really permit a regular time for→
When you think of RPGs (and I’m referring here to pen-and-paper roleplaying, not the stats-building→
One of the things that makes DnD (and other roleplaying games) so interesting is the→
I’d like to start of early in this blog by establishing some things that I→
It all started several years ago on a day I can’t specifically remember. It must→