Fans, we’ve heard you.
Our giveaways are often limited to the US and/or Canada only, thanks to the cost of shipping, not to mention all the paperwork. However, thanks to some generous donations by wonderful game companies, I’m happy to announce that we’re doing two additional giveaways.
Colt Express has been provided by Esdevium Games to be awarded to one of our UK fans. This prize is eligible only to those who live in the UK, or have a UK address at which they can receive the game.
Three Kingdoms Redux was originally provided by Starting Player Games, but they let us know that they can ship outside the US. So, we decided to shift this prize off of the main giveaway and create a WORLDWIDE contest for this one. UNLEASH THE FLOODGATES!
The contest ends next tuesday, February 16, at 11:59pm.
Please enter the appropriate contest below: