Hello, board gamers! May your week of gaming bring you much joy. And speaking of joy, Ross of More Games Please tweeted this funny thread of board game-related photos recently.
Bubble Tea
Coming soon from Renegade Game Studios is Bubble Tea, a game based on Taiwanese bubble tea (aka “boba” here in my neighborhood). According to the pre-order page, “In Bubble Tea, players race to serve customers their drinks by rolling dice then matching the order by stacking tea base cards and transparent ingredient cards.” Release date is this June.
Source: https://www.renegadegamestudios.com/products/bubble-tea?mc_cid=749e67adcf&mc_eid=e60eb6f1ae
Golden Geek Award Winners
No surprises here: BGG’s 13th Annual Golden Geek Awards were dominated by Root and The Mind.
Source: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2179643/13th-annual-golden-geek-awards-winners-2018
Time Chase
Renegade Game Studios announced Time Chase, a “trick-taking game with a twist — you are allowed to travel back in time to previous tricks, known as events, and change their outcome.” It’s now available to pre-order, with an expected release date of August.
Source: https://www.renegadegamestudios.com/products/time-chase?mc_cid=fa06e77913&mc_eid=e60eb6f1ae
Waterdeep Dice Masters
According to Dice Tower News, WizKids is adding a new sets based on Waterdeep to its line of Dungeons and Dragons: Dice Masters games. “The D&D Dice Masters: Adventures in Waterdeep Team Pack contains 24 cards and 16 dice for those already familiar with Dice Masters, and can be paired with any Campaign Box or Starter Set.”
Source: http://www.dicetowernews.com/wizkids-adds-waterdeep-themed-sets-to-dd-dice-masters/58200
The next game in the Near and Far, Islebound, and Above and Below world has been announced by Ryan Lauket and Red Raven Games. In Roam, “players seek out lost adventurers scattered across the land, rescue them and add them to their party, increasing their ability to find more lost adventurers faster.” It’s currently on Kickstarter.
Source: http://www.dicetowernews.com/red-raven-announces-roam/58287
From Filip Neduk, the designer of Adrenaline, comes Sanctum, “an epic adventure game for 2-4 players that’s inspired by the hack & slash genre.” According to BGG, Czech Games Edition will be releasing it in the fourth quarter of this year.
Source: https://boardgamegeek.com/blogpost/88495/enter-sanctum-confront-lord-demons-courtesy-czech
A new game from Bruno Faidutti and Alex Randolph will hit retail shelves this August. Dice Tower News reports that Tonari is a tile collection game with “a hex board [that]is randomly filled with gorgeous acrylic tiles, and a fishing boat is placed in the middle. Players take turns moving the boat, collecting tiles as they go. … The unique ‘hook’ in this game is that a players’ final score is the sum total of their own score and that of their neighbor to the left.”
Source: http://www.dicetowernews.com/idw-announces-faidutti-and-randolph-tile-game-tonari/58302
Board Games on Bed Sheets
An entrepreneur in North Carolina has developed bed sheets with board games printed on them. They’re being used by hospitals for children.
Source: https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/dad-turns-board-games-into-bed-sheets-so-sick-kids-arent-bored/
Upcoming Board Game Conventions
April 26-28. Gaming Hoopla. Mundelein, IL
May 10-12. QC Game Fest. Davenport, IA
May 16-19. Geekway to the West. St. Louis, MO
May 23-27. KublaCon. San Francisco, CA
May 24-27. Gamex. Los Angeles, CA
May 30-June 2. Atlanta Game Fest. Atlanta, GA
June 12-16. Origins. Columbus, OH
June 21-23. RageCon. Reno, NV
June 22-29. Consim World Expo. Tempe, AZ
July 3-7. Dice Tower Con. Orlando, FL
July 12-14. Gem State Gaming Convention. Boise, ID
July 19-21. KantCon. Overland Park, KS
July 20-28. WBC. Champion, PA
August 1-4. GenCon. Indianapolis, IN
August 16-18. Coulee Con. La Crosse, WI
August 24-25. MaricopaCon. Phoenix, AZ
August 30-September 1. GrandCon. Grand Rapids, MI
August 30-September 2. Gateway. Los Angelos, CA
September 5-8. Buckeye Game Fest. Columbus, OH
September 6-8. Lone Star Game Expo. Grapevine, TX
September 20-22. AppleCon1. Cornish, ME
September 27-29. Falcon 2019. Stamford, CT
October 4-6. TokenCon. Oklahoma City, OK
October 11-13. FlatCon. Bloomington, IL
October 11-13. CinCityCon. Cincinnati, OH.
October 25-27. Cardboard Caucus. West Des Moies, IA
October 31-November 3. Gamehole Con. Madison, WI
November 8-10. MACE. Charlotte, NC
November 20-24. BGG Con. Dallas, TX
November 21-24. Chicago Toy & Game Fair. Chicago, IL
Visit casualgamerevolution.com for more convention listings.