I hope your weekend was full of good games and good times. Here’s the latest news from the wonderful world of board gaming.

On Facebook Jamey Steigmaier announced Stonemaier Games’ newest title, Tapestry. According to the website, “If you like A Feast for Odin, Mombasa, and Russian Railroads, we think you will enjoy creating your own unique civilization in Tapestry.” The game can be pre-ordered next month.
Source: https://stonemaiergames.com/games/tapestry/
Ankh, Eric Lang’s newest game for CMON, is coming to Kickstarter at the end of this year. Described as a finale of the trilogy of games by Lang that includes Blood Rage and Rising Sun, Ankh is an Egyptian-themed game where you’ll “Play as a God of ancient Egypt, competing to survive as society begins to forget the old ways, so that only you and your followers remain.”
Source: https://cmon.com/news/cmon-announces-ankh-board-game
Puerto Rice Deluxe Edition
According to ICv2.com, Rio Grande Games is publishing a new edition of Puerto Rice. “It will have new art and graphics which is a major step forward for a game that has remained relatively unchanged since it was originally released in 2002. Puerto Rico: Deluxe Edition will come with the base game, the New Buildings expansion, the Nobles expansion, and dual-sided building tiles with alternate art.”
Source: https://icv2.com/articles/news/view/43788/rio-grande-games-announces-puerto-rico-deluxe-edition
Two New Games From Pandasaurus
Dice Tower News reports that Pandasaurus will release two new family-weight games this Fall: the route-building Wayfinders by Thomas Dagenais-Lesperance and the roll-and-write Silver & Gold by Phil Walker-Harding
Source: http://www.dicetowernews.com/pandasaurus-announces-two-new-games-for-the-fall/60131
Munchkin: Ducktales
The Op (formerly USAopoly) is releasing Munchkin: Ducktales next month.
Source: http://acddistribution.blogspot.com/2019/08/munchkin-ducktalesnew-from-op-usaopoly.html
Over on BGG W. Eric Martin takes a look at Bruno Cathala and Johannes Goupy’s upcoming game, Queenz: To bee or not to bee. “[T]he heart of the game comes from the tension between those who try to fill fields quickly and those who want to maximize points from colors and bees.”
Source: https://boardgamegeek.com/blogpost/93173/game-preview-queenz-or-beekeeping-joneses
Machi Koro: Designer Diary
Also on BGG is Rob Daviau’s designer diary on the upcoming Machi Koro Legacy game. “A legacy game tries to tell a story and add new mechanisms, with each informing the other. If you take away the narrative, then you are playing a core game and then a series of expansions for no real reason. If you take away the mechanical additions, then you are playing the same game again and again and again while being told a story. You have to work on the twin engines of new mechanisms and emerging narrative, using each one to inform the other.”
Source: https://boardgamegeek.com/blogpost/92900/designer-diary-machi-koro-legacy
Upcoming Board Game Conventions
August 16-18. Coulee Con. La Crosse, WI
August 16-18. Dragonflight. Bellevue, WA
August 24-25. MaricopaCon. Phoenix, AZ
August 30-September 1. GrandCon. Grand Rapids, MI
August 30-September 2. Gateway. Los Angelos, CA
September 5-8. Buckeye Game Fest. Columbus, OH
September 6-8. Lone Star Game Expo. Grapevine, TX
September 20-22. AppleCon1. Cornish, ME
September 27-29. Falcon 2019. Stamford, CT
October 4-6. TokenCon. Oklahoma City, OK
October 11-13. FlatCon. Bloomington, IL
October 11-13. CinCityCon. Cincinnati, OH.
October 25-27. Cardboard Caucus. West Des Moies, IA
October 31-November 3. Gamehole Con. Madison, WI
November 8-10. MACE. Charlotte, NC
November 14-17. Midwest GamesFest. Independence, MO
November 20-24. BGG Con. Dallas, TX
November 21-24. Chicago Toy & Game Fair. Chicago, IL
November 29-December 1. GobbleCon. San Francisco, CA
December 6-8. PAX Unplugged. Philadelphia, PA
Visit casualgamerevolution.com for more convention listings.