
The Village Square: December 10, 2018


I recently celebrated National Dice Day by posting posting this. Can you name all 13 dice in the photo?

Space Base Expansion
The first Space Base expansion, The Emergence of Shy Pluto, will hit shelves in March. According to Dice Tower News, it is “a ‘Saga Extension,’ and promises to add story elements to the admittedly somewhat themeless game. Pluto includes a series of story based scenarios, which trickle new cards and elements into Space Base ‘via a narrative structure.’ Once all of the stories are added, they become a permanent part of the game for further replays.”

Clank! Legacy
At PAX Unplugged, Penny Arcade and Dire Wolf Digital announced Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated and previewed a short teaser of the game. From the website: “Found your own franchise of the legendary adventuring company Acquisitions Incorporated, and shepherd your fledgling treasure-hunters to immortal corporate glory over the course of multiple games. Your game board, your deck, and your world change as you play to create a unique campaign tailored to your adventuring party.” The game will debut next Fall.

Tsuro: Phoenix Rising
Over on BGG comes news of Tsuro: Phoenix Rising, the third game in the Tsuro series. W. Eric Martin wrote that “Where the game differs from earlier releases, though, is that the tiles are placed in troughs in a plastic game board and only the perimeter of the board is empty at the start of play. The center spaces each start with a double-sided tile on them, and instead of each tile having two connections along each edge, sometimes the tiles have looping connections that take you to the corner of a tile — perhaps even where no connection exists.”

Metal Gear Solid on the Tabletop
From designer Emerson Matsuuchi (Century: Spice Road, Reef) comes the board game version of the popular video game Metal Gear Solid. Tech Raptor reports that “This will be the first official board game based on Metal Gear since 2011’s Risk: Metal Gear Solid. Details on the project are scarce apart from the 2019 release window, but IDW Games has stated in the Facebook post’s comments that more information will be coming.”

Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress
Games Workshop released Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress, “a hybrid of a traditional board game and a tactical wargame.” Polygon traces the history of the game back to the classic HeroQuest, produced by Milton Bradley and Games Workshop. “That game was the inspiration for WarhammerQuest, which firmly ensconced the franchise within the company’s proprietary high-fantasy universe.”

Magic Pro League
Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast are launching the Magic Pro League (MPL). According to, the league will have “32 people being offered play and streaming contracts totaling $75,000” and “For the whole of 2019, Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast are more than doubling the overall prize pool to $10 million across digital and tabletop platforms.”

PAX Unplugged Comedy
The crew from The Dragon’s Tomb provided some absolutely hilarious PAX Unplugged coverage.

Upcoming Board Game Conventions
December 27-30. CAP-Con. Atlanta, GA
January 11-13. OrcaCon. Bellevue, WA
January 12-13. Congress of Gamers. Rockville, MD
January 18-20. CascadeCon. Bellingham, WA
January 18-20. Pax South. San Antonio, TX
January 18-20. Geekway Mini. St. Louis, MO
January 18-21. HexaCon. Denver, CO
February 15-17. TantrumCon. Spartansburg, SC
February 15-17. Con of the North. Minneapolis, MN
February 15-18. Orccon. Los Angelos, CA
February 21-24. GhenghisCon. Aurora, CO
February 22-24. Marmalade Dog. Kalamazoo, MI
February 22-24. Gamicon, Cedar Rapids, IA
February 28-March 23. SaltCON. Layton, UT
March 1-3. CincyCon. Butler County, OH
March 8-10. Tennessee Game Days. Franklin, TN
March 8-10. Granite Game Summit. Nashua, NH
March 15-17. BFGcon. Frederick, MD
March 22-24. ConQuest. Sacramento, CA
March 22-24. Who’s Yer Con. Indianapolis, IN
March 27-31. AdeptiCon. Schaumburg, IL
March 28-31. GameStorm. Portland, OR
March 29-31. Arizona Game Fair. Mesa, AZ
April 5-6. DayCon. Dayton, OH
April 5-7. Lexicon. Lexington, KY
April 12-14. Mepacon. Scranton, PA
April 12-14. Pikes Peak Gamers. Manitou Springs, CO
April 26-28. Gaming Hoopla. Mundelein, IL
May 10-12. QC Game Fest. Davenport, IA
May 16-19. Geekway to the West. St. Louis, MO
May 23-27. KublaCon. San Francisco, CA
May 24-27. Gamex. Los Angelos, CA
May 30-June 2. Atlanta Game Fest. Atlanta, GA
June 12-16. Origins. Columbus, OH
June 21-23. RageCon. Reno, NV
June 22-29. Consim World Expo. Tempe, AZ
July 3-7. Dice Tower Con. Orlando, FL
July 19-21. KantCon. Overland Park, KS
July 20-28. WBC. Champion, PA
August 1-4. GenCon. Indianapolis, IN
August 30-September 1. GrandCon. Grand Rapids, MI
August 30-September 2. Gateway. Los Angelos, CA
Octber 31-November 3. Gamehole Con. Madison, WI

Visit for more convention listings.

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