Tell us how you felt about the Big Game — no, not the one on TV yesterday, but the ones you played during the month of January. Join the discussion in our BGG Guild!
New Portal Games Lineup
Lots of new titles were announced by Portal Games at its 20th anniversary party, including an Imperial Settlers: Roll & Write, Pret-a-Porter, Stronghold: Undead, and several others. The third edition of Pret-a-Porter is “the highly praised game about the ruthless world of high fashion (nominated for the Polish Game of the year 2011, International Gamers Award – General Strategy: Multi-player, and Best Board Game at Origins Award).”
Source: https://portalgames.pl/en/portal-games-announces-new-titles-for-2019/
Century: A New World
Dice Tower News reports that the final game in the Century trilogy is Century: A New World. “A New World will use worker placement and is set in 16th century North America. A New World can be played by itself, or mixed and matched with the other two games in the series.”
Source: http://www.dicetowernews.com/century-series-concludes-with-a-new-world/57117
Era: Medieval Age
Also from Dice Tower News comes the announcement from Eggertspiele releasing Era: Medieval Age at Gen Con later this year. Era: Medieval Age is “a new game from designer Matt Leacock. Not only is Era being pitched as a spiritual successor to Roll Through the Ages, but also, the first roll-and-build game.”
Source: http://www.dicetowernews.com/a-new-era-for-matt-leacock-and-eggertspiele/57089
Over on BGG W. Eric Martin previewed Ganymede, “a 2-4 player tile- and card-drafting game in which you need to move settlers from Earth to Jupiter’s moon. [It] features a bite-sized action system popularized by games like Splendor. Each turn, you have one of three options.”
Source: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/blogpost/85841/game-preview-ganymede-or-interplanetary-cubist-adv
Bargain Quest Expansions
Coming this May are two expansions for the reprint of Bargain Quest. According to the Renegade Game Studios website, “These expansions introduce new Heroes, Employees, play modes, and more.”
Source: https://www.renegadegamestudios.com/bargain-quest?mc_cid=9178a3902c&mc_eid=e60eb6f1ae
Future of Fantasy Flight Games’ Organized Play
On the FFG website there was an announcement of the changes being made to their Organized Play, which includes more opportunities for casual players. “[S]tores will still be able to use Organized Play Seasonal Kits to run tournaments; however, we are also going to emphasize our support for casual play and for players who want to play regularly, but who would prefer not to enter a tournament.”
Source: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2019/1/30/the-future-of-organized-play/
Stonemaier’s Failed MAPP Experiment
Jamie Steigmaier wrote about his company’s attempt to use a minimum advertised price policy. “I foolishly thought that I could game the system, because Amazon’s algorithm typically matches the lowest vendor price. So if I could get vendors to respect MAPP, so would Amazon. That actually worked well for a while…but then, as far as I could tell, Amazon’s algorithm started looking at other online retailers as well.”
Source: https://stonemaiergames.com/our-6-month-mapp-experiment-and-why-it-failed/
BoardGameGeek Rankings
Larry Levy at Opinionated Gamers looks at the BGG rankings, namely the peak positions of board games. “Peak position has a lot of attractive features. For one, it obviously eliminates the bias against older games, because games are being judged at the height of their popularity, against their own peers. Another really good aspect is that it reflects how the games were viewed during their first few years.”
Source: https://opinionatedgamers.com/2019/01/29/peak-position-part-1-a-somewhat-new-way-of-rating-games/
Upcoming Board Game Conventions
February 15-17. TantrumCon. Spartansburg, SC
February 15-17. Con of the North. Minneapolis, MN
February 15-18. Orccon. Los Angelos, CA
February 21-24. GhenghisCon. Aurora, CO
February 22-24. Marmalade Dog. Kalamazoo, MI
February 22-24. Gamicon, Cedar Rapids, IA
February 28-March 23. SaltCON. Layton, UT
March 1-3. CincyCon. Butler County, OH
March 8-10. Tennessee Game Days. Franklin, TN
March 8-10. Granite Game Summit. Nashua, NH
March 15-17. BFGcon. Frederick, MD
March 22-24. ConQuest. Sacramento, CA
March 22-24. Who’s Yer Con. Indianapolis, IN
March 27-31. AdeptiCon. Schaumburg, IL
March 28-31. GameStorm. Portland, OR
March 29-31. Arizona Game Fair. Mesa, AZ
April 5-6. DayCon. Dayton, OH
April 5-7. Lexicon. Lexington, KY
April 12-14. Mepacon. Scranton, PA
April 12-14. Pikes Peak Gamers. Manitou Springs, CO
April 26-28. Gaming Hoopla. Mundelein, IL
May 10-12. QC Game Fest. Davenport, IA
May 16-19. Geekway to the West. St. Louis, MO
May 23-27. KublaCon. San Francisco, CA
May 24-27. Gamex. Los Angelos, CA
May 30-June 2. Atlanta Game Fest. Atlanta, GA
June 12-16. Origins. Columbus, OH
June 21-23. RageCon. Reno, NV
June 22-29. Consim World Expo. Tempe, AZ
July 3-7. Dice Tower Con. Orlando, FL
July 19-21. KantCon. Overland Park, KS
July 20-28. WBC. Champion, PA
August 1-4. GenCon. Indianapolis, IN
August 30-September 1. GrandCon. Grand Rapids, MI
August 30-September 2. Gateway. Los Angelos, CA
Octber 31-November 3. Gamehole Con. Madison, WI
Visit casualgamerevolution.com for more convention listings.