
The Village Square: January 7, 2019


Happy New Year and may your 2019 be full of awesome gaming experiences!

Suburbia Collector’s Edition Announced

Bezier Games is Kickstarting its Suburbia Collector’s Edition on January 14th, with the game shipping in October. According to the press release, “Suburbia Collector’s Edition is being released with beautiful new three dimensional artwork … [and]Oversized tiles, new player colors, and city-specific borough boards. … [T]his edition also features several Game TrayzTM organizers, a giant tower to disperse tiles, recessed borough boards, redesigned population board, unique landmarks for each player color, and all existing expansions as well as a brand new one: Nightlife, which has buildings and locations that are more active in the evening hours and dramatic night-time artwork.”



From Stonemaier Games comes the news of Wingspan, a card-driven and engine-building game that lies somewhere between Gizmos and Terraforming Mars. “You are bird enthusiasts—researchers, bird watchers, ornithologists, and collectors—seeking to discover and attract the best birds to your network of wildlife preserves. Each bird extends a chain of powerful combinations in one of your habitats (actions). These habitats focus on several key aspects of growth.” Wingspan will hit retail shelves this March.


War of the Worlds: The New Wave

According to Grey Fox Games, “War of the Worlds: The New Wave is a two-player asymmetric deck-building game set a few years after H.G. Wells’ classic novel The War of the Worlds. One player plays an invading alien force while the other plays as the human defense forces trying to fend them off.” The game will be on Kickstarter January 10th. The rulebook is now available on their website.



From the designer of Raiders of the North Sea comes Noctiluca, a dice-based game about “glowing creatures that live deep in tropical pools, coveted by healers for their remarkable properties.” According to, “The players are divers, plunging into the water to collect these “embers of the sea” and safely tuck them in jars for delivery.  The game uses colored translucent dice to represent the Noctiluca, and players collect the dice from the main board and place them on jar cards if they can match the correct combinations.”


Fury Returns

The fourth edition of Fury of Dracula is now available. The WizKids version of this classic hidden movement, one-versus-all board game features “larger cards, a refreshed rulebook, and all-new pre-painted miniatures to create a more immersive experience for players as they travel the European continent.”


World’s Tallest Dice Tower

From comes the story of the world’s tallest dice tower. Corey Young, the designer of the modular dice towers from Broken Token, used extra samples to create an 11-foot dice tower.


Farewell and Game Well

Christian Petersen, creator of Twilight Imperium and founder of Fantasy Flight Games, said goodbye to the company he started over two decades ago. “With my shelves empty, walls naked, boxes packed, I leave now humbled and grateful for my journey with FFG.”


R.I.P. Darwin Bromley

Mayfair Games founder Darwin Bromley passed away on January 1. According to, “Among [the]first batch of games licensed by Mayfair was Settlers of Catan, now one of the biggest franchises in hobby board games.


Upcoming Board Game Conventions

January 11-13. OrcaCon. Bellevue, WA
January 12-13. Congress of Gamers. Rockville, MD
January 18-20. CascadeCon. Bellingham, WA
January 18-20. Pax South. San Antonio, TX
January 18-20. Geekway Mini. St. Louis, MO
January 18-21. HexaCon. Denver, CO
February 15-17. TantrumCon. Spartansburg, SC
February 15-17. Con of the North. Minneapolis, MN
February 15-18. Orccon. Los Angelos, CA
February 21-24. GhenghisCon. Aurora, CO
February 22-24. Marmalade Dog. Kalamazoo, MI
February 22-24. Gamicon, Cedar Rapids, IA
February 28-March 23. SaltCON. Layton, UT
March 1-3. CincyCon. Butler County, OH
March 8-10. Tennessee Game Days. Franklin, TN
March 8-10. Granite Game Summit. Nashua, NH
March 15-17. BFGcon. Frederick, MD
March 22-24. ConQuest. Sacramento, CA
March 22-24. Who’s Yer Con. Indianapolis, IN
March 27-31. AdeptiCon. Schaumburg, IL
March 28-31. GameStorm. Portland, OR
March 29-31. Arizona Game Fair. Mesa, AZ
April 5-6. DayCon. Dayton, OH
April 5-7. Lexicon. Lexington, KY
April 12-14. Mepacon. Scranton, PA
April 12-14. Pikes Peak Gamers. Manitou Springs, CO
April 26-28. Gaming Hoopla. Mundelein, IL
May 10-12. QC Game Fest. Davenport, IA
May 16-19. Geekway to the West. St. Louis, MO
May 23-27. KublaCon. San Francisco, CA
May 24-27. Gamex. Los Angelos, CA
May 30-June 2. Atlanta Game Fest. Atlanta, GA
June 12-16. Origins. Columbus, OH
June 21-23. RageCon. Reno, NV
June 22-29. Consim World Expo. Tempe, AZ
July 3-7. Dice Tower Con. Orlando, FL
July 19-21. KantCon. Overland Park, KS
July 20-28. WBC. Champion, PA
August 1-4. GenCon. Indianapolis, IN
August 30-September 1. GrandCon. Grand Rapids, MI
August 30-September 2. Gateway. Los Angelos, CA
Octber 31-November 3. Gamehole Con. Madison, WI

Visit for more convention listings.

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