
The Village Square: September 17, 2018


Getting that “look”
The combat card game Condottiere is joining Z-Man’s classics catalog and the publisher has an interesting interview with the new edition’s artist Tomasz Jedruszek.

Epic series continues
Next month Gamelyn Games will release Tiny Epic Zombies, the next iteration of their popular and ongoing series. In it you may try to survive the apocalypse…or you get to play the zombies!

Heavy hitting
Arcane Wonders announced their Q3 releases, including Critical Mass, to hit the shelves in October.  The mech-warrior combat game will have two different boxed sets released simultaneously.

Little hitting
Renegade Game Studios announced Slap It!  The traditional speed recognition and acquisition design includes some dice play, too.

It’s a twister?
ThunderGryph Games will release Rolling Ranch at Essen. The roll and write design tasks farmers with recovering livestock and improving their farm after a storm.

A little in the black…market
AEG will pre-release Scorpius Freighter also at Essen. Move goods for the people in this pick up and deliver design in a world of tight government controls, some rebellion and playing both sides.

Sports to a new level
USAopoly announced Dragon Ball Z Power Up! board game. Join the Z fighters and take out the dragon in this 3D design.

Wage war
Portal Games will release Monolith Arena this Essen.  From the creator of Neuroshima Hex, the design includes five distinct factions battling for control with unique abilities…and amazing bits.

Two new
Artana Games has two new releases in October. Tesla vs. Edison Duel is a game of historical invention and control.  Speakeasy Blues is a game of controlling gin joints in the New York City of the Roaring Twenties!

And another two
Ankama Games has two new releases.  In one you can flip the script as creatures hunting down teenagers in Monster Slaughter, available in October.  Then in November, take on the role of an adventuring hero deciding what paths you take in your quest of glory in Tales of Glory.

From novel to cardboard
Based on the Brandon Sanderson books, Nauvoo Games will release its successfully crowdfunded The Reckoners in October. The design is a simultaneous dice-rolling cooperative game in which players combat the evil Steelheart and other “Epics.”

Upcoming Board Game Conventions
September 21-23. Protospiel Chicago. Chicago, Illinois.
September 27-30. Hurricon. Kissimmee, Florida.
October 5-7. Council of Five Nations. Schenectady, New York.
October 5-7. Great Falls Gaming Rendezvous. Great Falls, Montana.
October 5-7. TsunamiCon. Wichita, Kansas.
October 12-14. CinCityCon. Cincinnati, Ohio.
October 12-14. FlatCon. Bloomington, Illinois.
October 13-14. Congress of Gamers. Rockville, Maryland.
November 1-4. Midwest GameFest. Independence, Missouri.
November 8-11. Gamehole Con. Madison, Wisconsin.
November 9-11. ConQuest Avalon. Sacramento, California.
November 9-11. U-Con. Ann Arbor, Michigan.
November 15-18. Chicago Toy & Game Fair. Chicago, Illinois.
December 27-30. CAP-Con. Atlanta, Georgia.

Visit for more convention listings.

I have lots of kids. Board games help me connect with them, while still retaining my sanity...relatively speaking.

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