
The Village Square: September 3, 2018


Who you gonna call
Renegade Game Studios, Albino Dragon and Sony Pictures announced a new card game this fall – Ghostbusters: The Card Game.  Play your favorite character and do what they do best…trap ghosts!

Build the city of tomorrow
In October, Lookout Games will release NEOM, a tile-drafting, tile-placement, simultaneous play design in which players plan and construct their own personal cities in their tableaus over several generations.

Another merger
Victory Point Games is aligning with Tabletop Tycoon as a publishing imprint, retaining their brand, logo and identity.  VPG is the long-successful independent print-on-demand publisher specializing in war games where the motto was, “The Gameplay’s the Thing.”  Tabletop Tycoon is the umbrella entity for Game Salute, Ship Naked, Hit Point Sales and

Another collaboration
Stonemaier Games and Bezier Games announced a new design combining two of their popular titles, Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig.  In the tile-laying design, players build separate castles in cooperation with either of their neighbors.

All’s fair in love and…
AEG’s anticipated War Chest is now available.  The tactical combat themed design uses random draw unit coins that perform actions to gain control of the field.

Bring your paddle
Days of Wonder has a new title announced, The River.  The fast flowing tile-placement game has players settling down river to build the best settlements.

Happy Halloweenish
Just in time for the holidays…or it will be! Ravensburger will release Nightmare Before Christmas Merry Mayhem next month. Vie for Pumpkin King in this light speed matching and grabbing card game.

Don’t lose your marbles
No, literally! Go mad in a whole new way with Smirk and Dagger’s Tower of Madness to release this month. A 3D tower is filled with marbles held in by tentacles, which you’ll be pulling through play. But there is dice play, special card powers, and you can win by being the most successful investigator…or through insanity in summoning Cthulhu to rise!

Still going
Z-Man Games announced a ninth expansion to the evergreen Carcassonne. Hills & Sheep adds hill tiles for elevation on which meeples can break ties; and also sheep tiles with a push-your-luck element to earn big points or be eaten by the wolves!

Delve in if you dare
Rather Dashing Games announced Wakening Lair. The cooperative dungeon delve card game allows players to take on the role of a variety of heroes to face all kinds of monsters and, of course, grab lots of loot and equipment to power up.

Upcoming Board Game Conventions
September 8-9. WashingCon. Washington, D.C.
September 13-16. Buckeye Game Fest. Columbus, Ohio.
September 14-16. GrandCon. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
September 21-23. Protospiel Chicago. Chicago, Illinois.
September 27-30. Hurricon. Kissimmee, Florida.
October 5-7. Council of Five Nations. Schenectady, New York.
October 5-7. Great Falls Gaming Rendezvous. Great Falls, Montana.
October 5-7. TsunamiCon. Wichita, Kansas.
October 12-14. CinCityCon. Cincinnati, Ohio.
October 12-14. FlatCon. Bloomington, Illinois.
October 13-14. Congress of Gamers. Rockville, Maryland.
November 1-4. Midwest GameFest. Independence, Missouri.
November 8-11. Gamehole Con. Madison, Wisconsin.
November 9-11. ConQuest Avalon. Sacramento, California.
November 9-11. U-Con. Ann Arbor, Michigan.
November 15-18. Chicago Toy & Game Fair. Chicago, Illinois.
November 30-December 2. PAX Unplugged. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
December 27-30. CAP-Con. Atlanta, Georgia.

Visit for more convention listings.

I have lots of kids. Board games help me connect with them, while still retaining my sanity...relatively speaking.

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