
The Village Square: September 7, 2017


New Phase
In their “prequel,” of sorts, Plaid Hat Games Raxxon will release in October. The cooperative game sets players as associates of the pharmaceutical company endeavoring to combat the infection that will soon lead to the zombie apocalypse that players may recall having to survive in Dead of Winter – to which there are crossover elements in Raxxon, including new characters.

New Pair
Michael Kiesling is teaming up with others for two new designs from Eggertspiele for release this October.  Heaven and Ale is co-designed with Andreas Schmidt and all about beer-brewing monks.  Meanwhile, he has also co-authored with long-time partner Wolfgang Kramer Reworld, a card and tile game about terraforming a future world.

New World
After Terraforming Mars, a new expansion takes you in the other direction – to Venus!  Venus Next is the title’s second addition from Fryx Games and Stronghold Games and will of course add several elements and twists.

New Implementation
Fantasy Flight has announced a new grand strategy game set in its not-so-recently acquired Legend of the Five Rings universe. Rokugan accommodates 2-5 daimyō fighting for control of the early Emerald Empire with a unique combat resolution system and focused phased play. Pre-orders are currently available.

New Disaster
Z-Man Games announced the latest version of smash hit Pandemic – Rising Tide. The next entry in the Survival Series (after Iberia) sends players to the Netherlands where they will cooperatively save the nation by building hydraulic structures to boost the historic and iconic dikes, dams and floodgates.

New Previews
River Horse Games is highlighting the fantastic miniatures to their upcoming Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal: Board Game.  The pair of Gelflings and Skeksis are part of the hotly anticipated design pitting players in an adventure game as either attempting to mend the crystal or prevent it. Pre-orders are now available for a release in early 2018.

Not exactly Go Fish
Mayfair Games announced a new Uwe Rosenberg game they will debut at Essen – Nusfjord. The worker placement design tasks you with building up a fishing company while developing the town in your quest for points!

Upcoming Board Game Conventions
September 8-10. Hascon. Providence, R.I.
September 9-10. WashingCon. Washington, D.C.
September 15-17. GrandCon. Grand Rapids, MI.
September 15-17. Protospiel. Chicago, Illinois.
October 6-8. TsunamiCon. Wichita, Kansas.
October 6-8. CinCityCon. Cincinnati, Ohio.
October 7-8. Congress of Gamers. Rockville, Maryland.
October 13-15. XPO 2017. Tulsa, Oklahoma.
October 13-15. ConnCon/FallCon. Stamford, Connecticut.
November 17-19. PAX Unplugged. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Visit for more convention listings.

I have lots of kids. Board games help me connect with them, while still retaining my sanity...relatively speaking.

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