I was vacationing last week (if camping with a six-month-old can be considered a vacation), so please forgive the sparseness of this news report. Full coverage will return next week.
More Shadows, More Camelot
Not to be outdone in the Camelot space (see this Kickstarter campaign), Days of Wonder has announced its own traitor-in-the-midst Camelot game, Shadows over Camelot: The Card Game. This game is based on their award-winning game Shadows over Camelot and features gorgeous artwork (much like the original game) and decent components for a $25 price tag. According to Days of Wonder, the game should see an Essen 2012 release. Let’s hope the Indie Boards & Cards and Days of Wonder booths aren’t next to each other. Awkward…
Salmon Run Swims toward Kickstarter
Through a Google Reader fluke, I was able to read an interview with Jesse Catron, designer of the upcoming game Salmon Run, that will be coming soon to Hyperbole Games. I’d love to post the link, but as I mentioned, it was a Google Reader fluke (leak?). However, after reading this fascinating-interview-that-you-won’t-be-able-to-read-yet, I contacted Mr. Catron, and he informed me that Gryphon Games’ Kickstarter campaign for Salmon Run should begin this Thursday, August 30. Keep your eyes peeled, ladies and gents, as this game is one to watch.
Nevermore Games Seeks a Few Good Mechanics
Nevermore Games has been teasing its new game Mars Needs Mechanics for some weeks now, including having a playable demo at GenCon. The latest in this series of teasers? This video. While the video doesn’t have much information (that can be found on the game’s BGG page, here), it does seem to set the tone. The Kickstarter campaign launches this Friday, August 31.
Kickstarters of Note
Still lots of awesome kickstarters here:
- The Great Heartland Hauling Co.: This one’s still truckin’ toward its stretch goals. $25
- Gauntlet of Fools: A new Donald X. Vaccarino game about great boasts. It’s already funded. I love the idea of this game, even if I doubt I’ll back it. $28.
- The Resistance: Avalon: This Arthurian retheme of The Resistance has already funded almost three times over. The stretch goals are a little lame, but the publisher has assured the public that there is no possible way to make the game more awesome than it already is. I’m sure this is true. $20 gets you the game.
- Unexploded Cow: One of the games that brought me into the hobby, this new edition looks fantastic and is hitting some stretch goals. $25.
- Consequential: A board game with new content continually released that furthers the story. Looks like a very interesting concept. The price was reduced to $42.
- I’m the Boss: The Card Game: Continuing Sid Sackson rereleases, Gryphon Games has a card game version of the popular negotiation board game on Twitter, based on Sackson’s game notebooks. $25.
Completely Unrelated Awesomeness of the Week
While vacationing, we saw this bluegrass band in a free concert in the park. They were really good, and it was hard to beat the ticket price.
Also, I received word that my Glory to Rome Black Box (finally) shipped. I’m sure a full report of the contents and the game will be forthcoming on iSlaytheDragon. Stay tuned!