I consider myself a very fortunate man: from my regular gaming buddies to friends that I haven’t seen in years to my wife and family, I’m never at a loss for gaming partners. And even if I am, I have plenty of excellent solo games that allow me to get my board game fix.
An Offer You Can’t Refuse
Cool Mini Or Not announced a third quarter of 2017 release for The Godfather: The Board Game. According to Dice Tower News, “It is being touted as a confrontational worker placement game, with miniatures, where different mafia families are trying to take over the city. To do that you will have to control different rackets, scheme behind your fellow player’s backs, rub out your competition, and even gain the favor of the Don himself.”
Source: http://www.dicetowernews.com/the-godfather-board-game-coming-in-2017-from-cmon/34588
New Level 99
According to ICv2.com, two new games from Level 99 will be released next month: Anansi and the Box of Stories (“a trick taking game inspired by traditional African stories”) and Tomb Trader (“players are unscrupulous tomb robbers who have infiltrated an archaeological dig with the intent of stealing valuable treasures for the black market”).
Source: http://icv2.com/articles/news/view/36272/level-99-announces-two-games-new-year
ZPocalypse 2
The standalone expansion ZPocalypse 2: Defend the Burbs will be out in February, according to ACD Distribution. The following month will see the release of the Zpocalypse 2: Wasteland expansion, which requires ZPocalypse 2: Defend the Burbs. “Featuring a four part campaign adventure, new survivors, weapons, locations, craftables, and terrain, The Wasteland expansion adds hours of blood curdling fun for the whole family.”
Source: http://acddistribution.blogspot.com/2016/12/new-from-greenbrier-games-zpocalypse-2.html
Apps Pushed Back
Asmodee has pushed back the Potion Explosion and Mysterium app releases to January. As David Neumann noted in his BGG column, “After the somewhat cold reception their latest release, Colt Express, has been getting due to its multiplayer woes, they’ve decided to bring both games back to the drawing board before releasing.”
Source: https://boardgamegeek.com/blogpost/60333/app-news-asmodee-pushes-mysterium-and-potion-explo
Power Up
From purplepawn.com comes news about the new edition King of Tokyo expansion Power Up, which “brings evolution decks for the six monsters of the new version and two monsters from the original version: Cyber Bunny and Kraken. It also brings a new monster, Pandakai” and will hit shelves in April 2017.
Source: http://www.purplepawn.com/2016/12/first-look-at-the-2017-king-of-tokyo-power-up-expansion/
Backgammon Resurgence
Backgammon has enjoyed a resurgence in popularity, as afr.com noted that “the number of people entering U.S. national tournaments rose 35 percent from 2014 to 2016 … as veterans of the Texas Hold ‘Em boom of the ’00s know, playing poker well involves a lot of folding bad hands and just sitting there, studying faces. Backgammon, meanwhile, is constant action, which is key to its appeal.”
Source: http://www.afr.com/lifestyle/backgammon-is-back-and-the-top-us-player-works-at-goldman-sachs-20161211-gt8jvf
Play and Innovation
National Geographic examined how play leads to innovation. Author Steven Johnson “explained why an automaton of a dancing girl inspired Charles Babbage to design the first programmable computers … and how Monopoly was invented by a 19th-century feminist named Liz Magie, who believed playing a game could teach children the evils of capitalism.”
Source: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/12/wonderland-steven-johnson-play-invention-innovation-design/
Upcoming Board Game Conventions
January 13-16. BryceCon. Bryce Canyon City, Utah
January 20-22. Rocket City Gamefest. Hunstville, Alabama.
January 27-29, 2017. Polar Vortex Convention. Glen Ellyn, Illinois.
January 27-29. Eugene Games Gala. Springfield, Oregon.
February 17-20. Orccon 2017. Los Angeles, California.
February 20-26, 2017. PrezCon 2017. Charlottesville, Virginia.
March 3-5. GAD-Con. Aberdeen, Maryland.
April 7-9, 2017. Gaming Hoopla. Gurnee, Illinois.
May 26-29, 2017. Gamex 2017. Los Angeles, California.
September 1-4, 2017. Gateway 2017. Los Angeles, California.
Visit casualgamerevolution.com for more convention listings.