
The Village Square: December 14, 2015



I hope you’re refreshed from a nice, relaxing weekend of putting up holiday lights, watching all of the Star Wars movies, shopping for presents, watching all of the Star Wars movies, and getting ready for the premiere of Star Wars: the Force Awakens by watching all of the Star Wars movies. Or is that just me?

From Russia With Love
Love Letter now has an official Star Wars re-theme, but due to licensing restrictions it’s only available in Russia. So far there are no reports of Jedi Mind Tricks being used to release it in other parts of the world.

Wider Distribution for Food Chain Magnate
One of the picks from our 2015 Gift Guide, Food Chain Magnate, will be getting wider distribution in early 2016, thanks to a deal with Passport Game Studios.

More Elder Sign
Cooperative dice rollers rejoice: Fantasy Flight Games announced the expansion to Elder Sign, Omens of Ice.

Western Worker Placement
Tiny Epic Western, the next in the Tiny Epic series, kickstarts on January 11, 2016. Early looks at the game include references to worker placement and hold ’em poker.

Ticket to Ride: UK and PA
Designer Alan Moon wrote a designer diary for the new Ticket to Ride maps. It’s interesting to read about how an expansion evolves, especially one with such a huge following as the Ticket to Ride series.

Double Agent Revealed
No, we’re not talking about a game of Codenames: an actual double-agent was revealed during a game of Trivial Pursuit.

Get A Clue
The movie based on the classic board game celebrated its 30th anniversary. I still say it was Colonel Mustard with the lead pipe in the conservatory.

Upcoming Board Game Conventions
Get out and game! (h/t reddit and boardgamegeek)

January 8-10. MACE East. Wilmington, North Carolina.
January 15-17. SnowCon. Bangor, Maine.
January 15-18. Brycecon 2016. Bryce Canyon City, Utah.
January 22-24. EsCon 2016. San Marcos, California.
January 30-31. GCOM’s Winter Game Fest. Rockville, Maryland.
February 12-15. Orccon 2016. Los Angeles, California.
February 19-21. OwlCon. Houston, Texas.
February 22-28. PrezCon 2016. Charlottesville, Virginia.
March 4-6. Tennessee Game Days. Franklin, Tennessee.
March 4-6. FallsCon 2016. Witchita Falls, Texas.
March 18-20. Meeplecon. Las Vegas, Nevada.
April 1-3. Gaming Hoopla. Gurnee, Illinois.
April 9-10. Unpub Games Festival. Baltimore, Maryland.
April 22-24. Rocket City Gamefest. Huntsville, Alabama.
April 22-24. LexiCon Tabletop Gaming. Lexington, Kentucky.
May 19-22. Geekway to the West. St. Louis, Missouri.
May 27-30. Gamex 2016. Los Angeles, California.
June 15-19. Origins Game Fair. Columbus, Ohio.
June 17-19. PolyCon 34. San Luis Obispo, California.
July 6-10. Dice Tower Gaming Con V. Orlando, Florida.
September 2-5. Gateway 2016. Los Angeles, California.

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