
The Village Square: December 18, 2017


As we get closer to the end of the year, all of us at the Village Square wish you and yours the best holiday season filled with lots of gaming.

The Mighty Thor
Everybody’s favorite Norse god is coming to Marvel Dice Masters. The next release cycle will feature characters from The Mighty Thor universe. “New Asgardians, new villains, new weapons and new ways to play will have fans crossing the Bifrost to pick theirs up. In addition to Asgardian heroes and villains, you can count on versions of Spider-Man, The Hulk, and Iron Man that have never been seen before in Dice Masters.”

New Format for Small World Expansions
The Days of Wonder blog announced that Small World expansions will be appearing in new “Power Pack” formats that combine older expansions. For example, “Small World Power Pack #1 combines all races and special powers from the previous expansions: Be not Afraid… and A Spider’s Web and comes along with a tray to store all the tokens.”

Gilded America
The Corporate America Gilded Edition will be released next month, according to the ACD Distribution blog. “The limited edition includes streamlined rules, great art, and the most up-to-date jokes.”

Victorian Masterminds in 2018
On his BGG blog, W. Eric Martin notes that Eric Lang and Antoine Bauza’s Victorian Masterminds will finally hit the shelves next year. “[Y]ou and other players send your henchmen to different cities to use their varied abilities, collect material for your steampunk-inspired contraptions, destroy buildings, and complete missions. At the same time, the Secret Service follows your path of destruction. Every contraption is unique and allows you to take different actions, leading to highly strategic, asymmetric gameplay.”

Alderac Update
Alderac Entertainment Group’s recent e-mail newsletter featured their most recent updates, including news about recent releases: the cooperative dice placement The Masters’ Trials: Wrath of Magmaroth, the two-player fighting card game Sakura Arms, and Junta: Las Cartas, a new edition of Junta that promises a “provides the full experience of its big brother … in a compact card game format.”

Diversity in Gaming
Teri Litorco discusses how miniature wargame companies are embracing diversity to meet changing times. “[T]his is rapidly changing in the world of sci-fi and fantasy miniature games, both within the universes created for them as well as the player base. The face of wargamers in terms of ethnicity and gender continues to evolve across all levels of play, from first-time gamers to the top levels of competitive play.”

Designers Manipulating History
Jeremy Antley talks about how board game designers “[f]raming the practice of history as science is a misleading, even dangerous, conception. At their best, historical works are upfront in the deliberate but subjective selection and evaluation of sources used to build narrative.”

Upcoming Board Game Conventions
January 11-14. Midwinter Gaming Convention. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 12-14. OrcaCon. Everett, Washington.
January 12-14. PAX South. San Antonio, Texas.
January 12-14. PAX West. Seattle, Washington.
January 13-14. Congress of Gamers. Rockville, Maryland.
January 19-21. Cascade Games Con. Bellingham, Washington.
January 19-21. HexaCon. Denver, Colorado.
January 19-21. Protospiel Minnesota. Bloomington, Minnesota.
January 26-28. EsCon. Escondido, California.
February 16-18. Con of the North. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
February 16-19. Orccon. Los Angeles, California.
February 19-25. PrezCon. Charlottesville, Virginia.
February 23-25. Great Plains Game Festival. Lincoln, Nebraska.
March 9-11. Granite Games Summit. Nashua, New Hampshire.
March 16-18. MeepleCon. Las Vegas, Nevada.
March 22-25. AdeptiCon. Schaumburg, Illinois.
March 23-25. ConnCon. Stamford, Connecticut.
April 5-8. PAX East. Boston, Massachusetts.
April 19-22. Kingdom-Con. San Diego, California.
April 27-29. QC Game Fest. Davenport, Iowa.
April 27-29. Gaming Hoopla. Mundelein, Illinois.
May 4-6. Heroicon. Decatur, Illinois.
May 11-13. CMON Expo. Atlanta, Georgia.
May 17-20. Geekway to the West. St. Charles, Missouri.
May 25-28. KublaCon. Burlingame, California.
May 25-28. Gamex. Los Angeles, California.
June 1-3. NashCon. Nashville, Tennessee.
June 13-17. Origins. Columbus, Ohio.
June 24-30. Rocky Mountain Gaming Vacation. Park City, Utah.
July 4-8. Dice Tower Con. Orlando, Florida.
July 12-15. HistoriCon. Fredericksburg, Virginia.
July 21-29. WBC. Champion, Pennsylvania
August 2-5. GenCon. Indianapolis, Indiana.
August 24-26. MegaMooseCon. Richburg, South Carolina.
August 24-28. Coulee Con. La Crosse, Wisconsin.
August 31-September 3. Gateway 2018. Los Angeles, California.

Visit for more convention listings.

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