
The Village Square: December 21, 2015



I promised myself that I wouldn’t post my thoughts on Star Wars: The Force Awakens until after Christmas. Without getting into the movie itself, let me just say that my wife and I had an awesome time watching Episode VII. And I can’t believe that … you know what? Let’s talk board game news instead.

Distribution Changes
Asmodee North America announced it was changing the way it distributes its games. Check out W. Eric Martin’s report here.

Digital Confrontation
Reiner Knizia’s The Confrontation (shown above) is now available in the App store.

Just Like Real Life
More drama in the case between Hasbro and the widow of the designer of the game Life.

Growing Market
CNBC looks at the board game industry.

Four months ago Hasbro teamed up with crowdfunding site Indiegogo to find its next party game and they have chosen a winner.

January 8-10. MACE East. Wilmington, North Carolina.
January 15-17. SnowCon. Bangor, Maine.
January 15-18. Brycecon 2016. Bryce Canyon City, Utah.
January 22-24. EsCon 2016. San Marcos, California.
January 30-31. GCOM’s Winter Game Fest. Rockville, Maryland.
February 12-15. Orccon 2016. Los Angeles, California.
February 19-21. OwlCon. Houston, Texas.
February 22-28. PrezCon 2016. Charlottesville, Virginia.
March 4-6. Tennessee Game Days. Franklin, Tennessee.
March 4-6. FallsCon 2016. Witchita Falls, Texas.
March 18-20. Meeplecon. Las Vegas, Nevada.
April 1-3. Gaming Hoopla. Gurnee, Illinois.
April 9-10. Unpub Games Festival. Baltimore, Maryland.
April 22-24. Rocket City Gamefest. Huntsville, Alabama.
April 22-24. LexiCon Tabletop Gaming. Lexington, Kentucky.
May 19-22. Geekway to the West. St. Louis, Missouri.
May 27-30. Gamex 2016. Los Angeles, California.
June 15-19. Origins Game Fair. Columbus, Ohio.
June 17-19. PolyCon 34. San Luis Obispo, California.
July 6-10. Dice Tower Gaming Con V. Orlando, Florida.
September 2-5. Gateway 2016. Los Angeles, California.

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