
The Village Square: February 4, 2016



Yee-haw! I played Gold West this week, so I’m in a yee-haw kinda mood. Plus, we’re that much closer to the weekend, so … yee-haw!

Expanding the Dominion
The latest Dominion expansion, Dominion: Empires, will be available soon. According to Jay of Rio Grande Games, “It has 300 cards and 96 metal tokens. There are cards you can buy now and pay for later, piles with two different cards, and Landmarks which add new ways to score. VP tokens and Events return from previous sets.”

New Wiz Kid
Z-Man Games founder Zev Shlasinger has joined WizKids and will lead its expanded Board Game operations.

The End of the Multiverse
Greater than Games has announced the final Sentinels of the Multiverse expansion, Sentinels of the Multiverse: OblivAeon.

Be the Boss
Now you can create your own Boss Monster cards and have them printed and shipped from

Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu
A few more details about Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu have made their way onto the interwebs.

Long Night Ahead
First image of the Dead of Winter standalone expansion, The Long Night.

Thunder & Lightning
A look at the upcoming Thunder & Lightning from Z-Man Games, a card game where players can be either Thor or Loki.

Play It Forward
Great to see one elementary student take the initiative to share games with kids in need.

Congratulations to our very own Andrew Brooks for winning’s Picture of the Year contest. If you’re not already following his photos via his Twitter or the iSlaytheDragon Instagram, do yourself a favor and check out his spectacular board game photos.

Upcoming Board Game Conventions
February 11-14. Genghiscon 2016. Aurora, Colorado.
February 12-15. Orccon 2016. Los Angeles, California.
February 19-21. OwlCon. Houston, Texas.
February 22-28. PrezCon 2016. Charlottesville, Virginia.
February 26-28. ConDor XXIII. San Diego, California.
February 26-28. Fire and Ice Convention. Manitowoc, Wisconsin.
March 3-5. Saltcon. Layton, Utah.
March 4-6. Tennessee Game Days. Franklin, Tennessee.
March 4-6. FallsCon 2016. Witchita Falls, Texas.
March 18-20. MACE West. Asheville, North Carolina.
March 18-20. Meeplecon. Las Vegas, Nevada.
March 18-20. MidSouthCon 34. Memphis, Tennessee.
March 31-April 3. AdeptiCon 2016. Schaumburg, Illinois.
April 1-3. ConQuest SAC. Sacramento, California.
April 1-3. Gaming Hoopla. Gurnee, Illinois.
April 9-10. Unpub Games Festival. Baltimore, Maryland.
April 22-24. Rocket City Gamefest. Huntsville, Alabama.
April 22-24. LexiCon Tabletop Gaming. Lexington, Kentucky.
April 28-May. Kingdom-Con 2016. San Diego, California.
May 19-22. Geekway to the West. St. Louis, Missouri.
May 27-30. Gamex 2016. Los Angeles, California.
June 3-5. 2D Con. Bloomington, Minnesota.
June 15-19. Origins Game Fair. Columbus, Ohio.
June 17-19. PolyCon 34. San Luis Obispo, California.
June 23-26. Texicon. Hurst, Texas.
July 6-10. Dice Tower Gaming Con V. Orlando, Florida.
September 2-5. Gateway 2016. Los Angeles, California.

Visit for more convention listings.

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