For today’s intro, one of my favorite quotes from Martin Luther King, Jr.: “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”
The best farmers keep their animals happy. Portal Games releases My Happy Farms next month.
Bear Valley
A two- to six-player game that plays in half an hour, Bear Valley will challenge players to reach the safety of their camp at the end of a valley. The Stronghold Games title will be available this April.
Analog Over Digital
Why are board games are thriving in the digital age? Scott Nicholson offers his thoughts.
Mo Money Mo Board Games
On Kickstarter more money is spent on board games than video games.
Cafe Culture
Toronto is home to a growing number of board game cafes.
Reddit Gaming
A recent Ask An Admin on Reddit was all about the staff’s gaming preferences.
Award-Winning Boost
Excellent conclusion to the Opinionated Gamers’ Spiel des Jahres Re-Reviews series, which includes what happens to award winners. Hint: it helps with sales. A lot.
Tower Toppler
Video interview with Leslie Scott, inventor of Jenga.
Tudor Tabletop Times
A look at some of the games that hit the tabletop during the days of the Tudors.
Upcoming Board Game Conventions
January 15-17. SnowCon. Bangor, Maine.
January 15-18. Brycecon 2016. Bryce Canyon City, Utah.
January 16. ChequameCON! The Northland Gaming Convention. Ashland, Wisconsin.
January 22-24. EsCon 2016. San Marcos, California.
January 29-31. Platypus Con. Juneau, Alaska.
January 29-31. Eugene Games Gala. Springfield, Oregon.
January 29-31. PAX South. San Antonio, Texas.
January 30. LA Board Game Jam. Pasadena, California.
January 30-31. GCOM’s Winter Game Fest. Rockville, Maryland.
February 12-15. Orccon 2016. Los Angeles, California.
February 19-21. OwlCon. Houston, Texas.
February 22-28. PrezCon 2016. Charlottesville, Virginia.
February 26-28. Fire and Ice Convention. Manitowoc, Wisconsin.
March 3-5. Saltcon. Layton, Utah.
March 4-6. Tennessee Game Days. Franklin, Tennessee.
March 4-6. FallsCon 2016. Witchita Falls, Texas.
March 18-20. MACE West. Asheville, North Carolina.
March 18-20. Meeplecon. Las Vegas, Nevada.
March 18-20. MidSouthCon 34. Memphis, Tennessee.
April 1-3. Gaming Hoopla. Gurnee, Illinois.
April 9-10. Unpub Games Festival. Baltimore, Maryland.
April 22-24. Rocket City Gamefest. Huntsville, Alabama.
April 22-24. LexiCon Tabletop Gaming. Lexington, Kentucky.
May 19-22. Geekway to the West. St. Louis, Missouri.
May 27-30. Gamex 2016. Los Angeles, California.
June 3-5. 2D Con. Bloomington, Minnesota.
June 15-19. Origins Game Fair. Columbus, Ohio.
June 17-19. PolyCon 34. San Luis Obispo, California.
June 23-26. Texicon. Hurst, Texas.
July 6-10. Dice Tower Gaming Con V. Orlando, Florida.
September 2-5. Gateway 2016. Los Angeles, California.