
The Village Square: January 26, 2017


I know 2017 is barely a month old, but is it December 15th yet?!

The new expansion for 51st State, Scavengers, will be released in March. The ACD Distribution blog reports that “The Scavengers State Pack contains 50 new cards, for use with the 51st State: Complete Master Set. The Scavengers expansion introduces new abilities for cards, including the possibility of drawing the topmost card of the discard pile or building ruins and developing your whole strategy around them.”

Year of the Reprint
From comes word of several reprints of board games this year, including “Notre Dame, In the Year of the Dragon, Torres, Stephenson’s Rocket, Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures (with half of that being new, I admit), and Louis XIV. … the new version of Rüdiger Dorn’s Louis XIV has kept the Dornian core — with players placing items in one location, then scattering them to adjacent areas — while overhauling the scoring and bonuses that drive much of the action within the game.”

Dice In A Half Shell
WizKids posted a preview of the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Dice Masters: Heroes in a Half-Shell. “The villains of TMNT are sure to cause problems for Dice Masters players. Nefarious Broadcast lets you cancel any Global Abilities that have been used – but also stops any new ones from getting used this turn.”

In A Museum
Dice Tower News reports that Rather Dashing Games plans to release This Belongs In A Museum on April 5th. “[P]layers compete to become the most revered archeologist in the world. Traverse seas and mountains, and use airports to connect dig sites to your base camp with the goal of creating the largest connected section of the board. Collect valuable artifacts for extra victory points and outwit your rival colleagues in this easy-to-learn, strategic tile-laying game.”

Calliope Fun
Chris Leder, designer of Roll For It and Calliope Games’ Director of Fun, talked about his experiences in the game industry. “Every time I get a message from someone saying that our game brought their family together for an evening, and now they want to see what else is out there, I know we’ve done our job.”

Santorini Speaks
Vox Republica, the podcast of The Cardboard Republic, interviewed Santorini designer Gordon Hamilton, who talked about the game’s history and development.

Three-time X-Wing Miniatures world champion Paul Heaver talked about designing the BoShek card as a result of his latest win: “The designers took my vague suggestion for ‘bluffing and dial manipulation’ and turned it into something playable. I wanted it to be usable in all factions, and I wanted it to be fun to play with and also against.”

School of Rook
A chess minor is now being offered at Webster University. According to, “The St. Louis school is already home to one of the strongest collegiate Chess programs, the Susan Polgar Institute for Chess Excellence (SPICE), as well as a number of student Chess grandmasters. The new Chess minor is for ‘Webster University students who are looking to learn about Chess and how Chess lessons can be applied in other areas of life.’”

Upcoming Board Game Conventions
January 27-29, 2017. Polar Vortex Convention. Glen Ellyn, Illinois.
January 27-29. Eugene Games Gala. Springfield, Oregon.
January 28-29. GCOM Winter Games Fest 2017. Rockville, Maryland.
February 2-5. Game-o-Rama. Atlanta, Georgia.
February 17-20. Orccon 2017. Los Angeles, California.
February 17-20. DunDraCon. San Ramon, California
February 20-26. PrezCon 2017. Charlottesville, Virginia.
February 24-26. Fire & Ice Gaming Convention. Manitowoc, Wisconsin.
February 24-26. Gamicon Iron. Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
March 2-5. SaltCON. Layton, Utah.
March 3-5. GAD-Con. Aberdeen, Maryland.
March 17-19. MeepleCon. Las Vegas, Nevada.
April 7-9. Gaming Hoopla. Gurnee, Illinois.
April 22-23. QC Game Fest. Davenport, Iowa.
May 18-21. Geekway to the West. St. Charles, Missouri.
May 26-29. Gamex 2017. Los Angeles, California.
June 14-18. Origins Game Fair. Columbus, Ohio.
August 17-20. Gen Con 50. Indianapolis, Indiana.
September 1-4. Gateway 2017. Los Angeles, California.
Visit for more convention listings.

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