
The Village Square: January 9, 2017


Maybe it’s just me, but the more I play Santorini, the more I want to visit Greece.

Twenty Years of Beans
Over on W. Eric Martin wrote about the 20th anniversary of Uwe Rosenberg’s Bohnanza and how the German publisher AMIGO Spiel is releasing a new edition featuring “new artwork, a new card back, and (most importantly) a new type of bean. The spring bean appears on six cards, and when you harvest two of them, you draw cards from the deck equal to one more than the number of players. You plant one of these cards for yourself, then pass the cards around the table so that each other player can do the same. The final card is returned to you, which you convert into a Taler.”

Unfortunate Few
The Dunwich Legacy expansion for Arkham Horror: The Card Game is out this Thursday, and the campaign log can be downloaded now. Fantasy Flight Games previewed it on their website. “[I]t floods the card pool with 156 new cards that kick off a terrifying new campaign and dramatically expand your deckbuilding options. Finally, you’ll find five new investigators—one for each class—who come complete with their signature cards and play styles.”

Kingdom Death Kickstarter
Kingdom Death: Monster recently became the most highly funded game on Kickstarter, according to “With more than $9 million already pledged, it may be one of the most controversial projects ever to succeed on Kickstarter. …Kingdom Death has received a lot of criticism specifically for its portrayal of female characters. Many of them spill out of their outfits, or are barely covered at all. Rather than shy away from this sort of imagery, [Creator Adam] Poots says he’s working hard to expand it. The new crowdfunding campaign features more male figures than ever before.”

Eddie Guida at Dice Tower News reports on upcoming brainteaser games from Ceaco, the parent company of Gamewright. Loyd’s 15, Dog Pile, and Qboid will debut at the NY Toy Fair next month.

Prelude to Woodbury
The Prelude to Woodbury, a solo starter set for The Walking Dead: All Out War is now shipping from the Mantic website, according to our friends at It features “Brian ‘The Governor’ Blake and his exploits before he rose to power in Woodbury and encountered Rick. The introductory quick-start tutorial will take you through the rules step-by-step as you play out the Governor’s story.”

Barnes & Noble Sales
According to, Barnes & Noble saw a decline in holiday sales. “The company has been having a tough year, with CEO Leonard Riggio describing the retail environment in early September as ‘one of the worst I have ever experienced in the 50 years I have been in this industry.’”

Upcoming Board Game Conventions
January 20-22. Rocket City Gamefest. Hunstville, Alabama.
January 27-29, 2017. Polar Vortex Convention. Glen Ellyn, Illinois.
January 27-29. Eugene Games Gala. Springfield, Oregon.
January 28-29. GCOM Winter Games Fest 2017. Rockville, Maryland.
February 17-20. Orccon 2017. Los Angeles, California.
February 20-26. PrezCon 2017. Charlottesville, Virginia.
February 24-26. Fire & Ice Gaming Convention. Manitowoc, Wisconsin.
February 24-26. Gamicon Iron. Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
March 2-5. SaltCON. Layton, Utah.
March 3-5. GAD-Con. Aberdeen, Maryland.
April 7-9. Gaming Hoopla. Gurnee, Illinois.
April 22-23. QC Game Fest. Davenport, Iowa.
May 18-21. Geekway to the West. St. Charles, Missouri.
May 26-29. Gamex 2017. Los Angeles, California.
June 14-18. Origins Game Fair. Columbus, Ohio.
August 17-20. Gen Con 50. Indianapolis, Indiana.
September 1-4. Gateway 2017. Los Angeles, California.
Visit for more convention listings.

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