
The Village Square: May 1, 2017


How was your International Tabletop Day? Mine was a blast, thanks to Ross and the gang at Kingdom-Con. I played games with an old friend (thanks for showing me the Kingdom-Con ropes, Rick), made a few new friends, and even met a fellow iSlaytheDragon contributor. I can’t wait to do it all again next year.

Bye Bye Captain
Alderac Entertainment Group announced The Captain Is Dead will hit retail shelves on May 17th. Players in this co-operative game “are forced to try and save their starship from alien attack after things go horribly awry and the captain is dead.”

Tabletop Fallout
Over on W. Eric Martin talked about Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, a board game based on the video game. Due out this November, “players build their own crew from a wide range of factions, allies, and iconic characters from the Fallout series, then play in apocalyptic games of 3-30 high-quality 32mm scale resin miniatures through a huge variety of iconic scenery and settlement buildings, from the Red Rocket to Sanctuary Hills, Nuka-Cola vending machines and wrecked vehicles.”

Epic D&D Starter
WizKids will be releasing the D&D Icons of the Realms Miniatures Epic Level Starter. “The heroes have leveled up with all new equipment and effects to continue their epic level Dungeons & Dragons adventure.” The set of seven miniatures and paper map can now be pre-ordered.

Return of the Button Men
Button Men: Beat People Up is a new version of the Cheapass Games classic, Button Men. It’s been funded on Kickstarter and “The basic Button Men rules haven’t changed at all, so every old Button Men character is compatible with the new set.”

Magic Banned and Restricted
After the release of Amonkhet, the Magic the Gathering banned-and-restricted cards list has been updated. The Cardboard Republic crew look at the cards that were affected and discuss rules updates and changes.

The Year So Far
Paste Magazine listed its top five games of 2017 so far, including this recommendation for The Colonists: “[This] is the game for you if you thought Le Havre was too easy to set up, that Android: Netrunner’s rulebook was too short, or that Agricola didn’t focus enough on storage. It’s long, it weighs nearly seven pounds, and it presents you with more decisions than any modern board game I can think of. “

Peeking Inside the Tomb
I liked this Mechanics & Meeples piece on one of my favorite deck builders, Valley of the Kings. “Though a lot of its mechanics look familiar, there’s also enough variation to keep things new and interesting.”

Scrabble Champs
Two students from Los Angeles are now SCRABBLE champions. According to, “More than 150 top School SCRABBLE players in grades 4 through 12 competed in the 15th annual North American School SCRABBLE Championship at Gillette Stadium in Foxborough, Mass. The winning duo was awarded a prestigious $10,000 grand prize after defeating dozens of enthusiastic teams.”

Upcoming Board Game Conventions
April 27-30. Kingdom-Con. San Diego, California.
May 12-14. CMoN Expo. Atlanta, Georgia.
May 18-21. Geekway to the West. St. Charles, Missouri.
May 25-29. Game Fest 29. Atlanta, Georgia.
May 26-29. Gamex 2017. Los Angeles, California.
May 26-29. KublaCon. San Francisco, California.
June 14-18. Origins Game Fair. Columbus, Ohio.
June 23-35. Polycon. San Luis Obispo, California.
July 5-9. Dice Tower Con. Orlando, Florida.
July 15-17. Protospiel. Manchester, Michigan.
July 22-30. World Boardgaming Championship. Champion, Pennsylvania.
July 28-30. NovaComic-Con. Tyson’s Corner, Virginia.
August 17-20. Gen Con 50. Indianapolis, Indiana.
August 25-27. Coulee Con. La Crosse, Wisconsin.
August 25-27. Congress of Gamers. Falls Church, Virginia.
September 1-4. Gateway 2017. Los Angeles, California.
September 1-4. Pacificon Game Expo. Santa Clara, California.
September 9-10. WashingCon. Washington, D.C.
September 15-17. GrandCon. Grand Rapids, MI.
September 15-17. Protospiel. Chicago, Illinois.
October 6-8. TsunamiCon. Wichita, Kansas.
October 6-8. CinCityCon. Cincinnati, Ohio.
October 7-8. Congress of Gamers. Rockville, Maryland.
October 13-15. XPO 2017. Tulsa, Oklahoma.
October 13-15. ConnCon/FallCon. Stamford, Connecticut.
November 17-19. PAX Unplugged. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Visit for more convention listings.

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