Wishing an early Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers and mother figures out there. Enjoy your day!
Return of The Arrival
According to ICv2.com, Cryptozoic Entertainment announced an updated version of The Arrival later this year. The Martin Wallace game is a “reimplementation of Wallace’s 1999 game Mordrid. In this historically-themed fantasy game where the leaders of ancient Ireland (Erin) arrive on the island with intent to colonize.”
Source: https://icv2.com/articles/news/view/37476/martin-wallaces-the-arrival-lands-u-s-release
Award Nominees Announced
The Dice Tower Awards nominees for best games of 2016 have been announced. Several categories are up for grabs and 10 titles are in the running for game of the year: Adrenaline, Captain Sonar, Cry Havoc, A Feast for Odin, Great Western Trail, Inis, Mechs vs Minions, Scythe, Star Wars: Rebellion, and Terraforming Mars.
Source: http://www.dicetowernews.com/nominees-for-dice-tower-awards-have-been-announced/44539
New Faces at Restoration Games
Restoration Games is gearing up for its next announcement of games at Gen Con and announced the addition of three well-known industry figures to its team: Lindsay Daviau, J. R. Honeycutt, and Suzanne Sheldon.
Source: http://restorationgames.com/2017/05/08/getting-ready-big-score/
Arena Delayed
According to a recent email update, Iello’s Arena: For the Gods! has been delayed due to Shanghai port congestion. The release dates for brick-and-mortar stores and online stores are now June 28 and July 12, respectively.
Source: http://iellogames.com/arena.html
Tokyo Game Market
W. Eric Martin previewed the games at the upcoming Tokyo Game Market, including Zero Day, Path to Yaaru, and Korocchi, a “real-time pattern-recognition” game.
Source: https://boardgamegeek.com/blogpost/65030/new-game-round-titles-tokyo-game-market-2017-path
Stronghold Releases
From the ACD Distribution blog comes the release schedule from Stronghold Games. Due this month and next are Fields of Green, Pit Crew, Cottage Garden, Flamme Rouge, Ghost Catchers, and the first expansion for Terraforming Mars, Hellas & Elysium.
Source: http://acddistribution.blogspot.com/2017/05/new-may-and-june-releases-from.html
Deadly Premonition
The video game Deadly Premonition is being remade into a board game, reports theescapist.com. There’s a teaser trailer for the game of “innocence, incrimination, and murder.”
Source: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/170302-Deadly-Premonition-Board-Game-Gets-Website-Countdown
Warring Colonies
Plaid Hat Games posted a preview of the Dead of Winter: Warring Colonies expansion. “In the Warring Colonies variant, players do not perform attack actions against survivors. Attack actions have been replaced with a new phase: colony combat. During the colony combat step of the colony phase, a special combat will take place at each location that contains survivors from both colonies.”
Source: https://www.plaidhatgames.com/news/798
Deck Management And Roundels
Over on Mechanics & Meeples, there’s a good read on the deck management mechanism and its use in the games Kreta, Concordia, and Assault of the Giants. The rondel mechanism allows “players to take actions for their turns, but place all of those actions in a circle (on a rondel)” and in Concordia, “It has a new mechanism that I’ve named ‘deck management’ which looks nothing like roundels, but which acts surprisingly similar.”
Source: http://www.mechanics-and-meeples.com/2017/05/08/deck-management-is-the-new-roundel/
Upcoming Board Game Conventions
May 12-14. CMoN Expo. Atlanta, Georgia.
May 18-21. Geekway to the West. St. Charles, Missouri.
May 25-29. Game Fest 29. Atlanta, Georgia.
May 26-29. Gamex 2017. Los Angeles, California.
May 26-29. KublaCon. San Francisco, California.
June 14-18. Origins Game Fair. Columbus, Ohio.
June 23-35. Polycon. San Luis Obispo, California.
July 5-9. Dice Tower Con. Orlando, Florida.
July 15-17. Protospiel. Manchester, Michigan.
July 22-30. World Boardgaming Championship. Champion, Pennsylvania.
July 28-30. NovaComic-Con. Tyson’s Corner, Virginia.
August 17-20. Gen Con 50. Indianapolis, Indiana.
August 25-27. Coulee Con. La Crosse, Wisconsin.
August 25-27. Congress of Gamers. Falls Church, Virginia.
September 1-4. Gateway 2017. Los Angeles, California.
September 1-4. Pacificon Game Expo. Santa Clara, California.
September 9-10. WashingCon. Washington, D.C.
September 15-17. GrandCon. Grand Rapids, MI.
September 15-17. Protospiel. Chicago, Illinois.
October 6-8. TsunamiCon. Wichita, Kansas.
October 6-8. CinCityCon. Cincinnati, Ohio.
October 7-8. Congress of Gamers. Rockville, Maryland.
October 13-15. XPO 2017. Tulsa, Oklahoma.
October 13-15. ConnCon/FallCon. Stamford, Connecticut.
November 17-19. PAX Unplugged. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Visit casualgamerevolution.com for more convention listings.