If you’re ever looking for a soundtrack to your board gaming, be sure to check out Melodice.
Dragon Ball Z on the Tabletop
IDW announced its partnership with Toei Animation to produce Dragon Ball Z board games. According to the IDW website, “The first game, Dragon Ball Z: Perfect Cell, will be a dice game which places the Z-Fighters against Perfect Cell” and is due out in March 2018.
Source: https://idwgames.com/idw-games-announces-dragon-ball-z-partnership-with-toei-animation/
Expanded Domain
According to Dice Tower News, Tasty Minstrel Games is publishing an expansion for Eminent Domain, Oblivion, that will be released early next month. “The Oblivion expansion focuses on the political aspect of having to run a broad space empire. The expansion adds a new politics role and a set of global agendas that will affect all the players in the game.”
Source: http://www.dicetowernews.com/eminent-domain-blasted-to-oblivion-expansion/47718
Bohnanza the Duel
The two-player version of Bohnanza is now available on iOS and Android and Board Game Geek TV posted a video preview of the game on YouTube.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzlfQMy7gkk
Werewolf on the Orient Express
From Entertainment Weekly comes a report that the cast of the upcoming remake Murder on the Orient Express regularly played games of Werewolf. Co-star Daisy Ridley said, “It’s weirdly, insanely, addictive and hours seem to just pass you by when you’re doing it.”
Source: http://ew.com/movies/2017/11/02/murder-on-the-orient-express-daisy-ridley-werewolf/
Missing Dinosaurs
The Huffington Post reported on the story about the stolen prototype of Dinosaur Island that ended up on Ebay. “Now that the game has been on ebay twice and we have some idea of where it is in the world and who is at least selling it on ebay I just kind of want their friends and gaming group to know that they are the kind of person who would steal something at a gaming convention.”
Source: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/the-case-of-the-disappearing-dinosaurs_us_59fa7b33e4b01ec0dede3f7e
Kickstarter Thoughts
Jamey Stegmaier is known for his frequent blog posts, especially his “Kickstarter Lessons.” He recently looked back at a few that he’s changed his mind about. “The subtle lesson for me in doing this is reminding myself that it’s okay to change my mind without sacrificing my principles. If I’m not truly open to changing my mind, it means that I’m also probably not listening to people who have different opinions, which severely limits my potential for growth and improvement.”
Source: https://stonemaiergames.com/10-kickstarter-lessons-for-which-i-changed-my-mind/
Upcoming Board Game Conventions
November 10-12. MEPACON. Scranton, Pennsylvania.
November 10-12. San Diego Historical Games Convention. San Diego, California.
November 16-19. ChiTag. Chicago, Illinois.
November 17-19. PAX Unplugged. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
January 11-14. Midwinter Gaming Convention. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 12-14. OrcaCon. Everett, Washington.
January 13-14. Congress of Gamers. Rockville, Maryland.
January 19-21. Cascade Games Con. Bellingham, Washington.
January 26-28. EsCon. Escondido, California.
January 27-29. Protospiel Minnesota. Bloomington, Minnesota.
January 27-29. PAX South. San Antonio, Texas.
March 16-18. MeepleCon. Las Vegas, Nevada.
April 27-29. Gaming Hoopla. Mundelein, Illinois.
May 18-21. Geekway to the West. St. Charles, Missouri.
June 14-18. Origins. Columbus, Ohio.
July 5-9. Dice Tower Con. Orlando, Florida.
August 17-20. GenCon. Indianapolis, Indiana.
Visit casualgamerevolution.com for more convention listings.