Kudos to everyone who participated in Extra Life 2016. Last I checked, over $6.5 million had been raised for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.
Castles of Caladale
Renegade Game Studios announced a February release date for Castles of Caladale, a tile-laying game that “will challenge players to think strategically as they rebuild their castles.”
Source: http://www.renegadegamestudios.com/news/2016/11/4/castles-of-caladale-releasing-in-february
From Dice Tower News comes a report on the Outlander Destiny Dice Game based on the Starz TV series. “In the game you are trying to bring two of the characters together, Jamie and Claire, through dice rolling and card play.” Look for it in February 2017.
Source: http://www.dicetowernews.com/toy-vault-to-release-dice-game-based-on-outlander-series/33485
Tournament at Camelot
WizKids will release Tournament at Camelot in May, according to ICv2.com. The trick-taking card game set in the times of King Arthur will have “players take the roles of legendary characters battling opponents on the tournament field. Players use weapon cards (Arrows, Swords, Deception, Sorcery, Alchemy) to injure their opponents. Players also have comeback cards, Godsends, and Companions, which can help them recover.”
Source: http://icv2.com/articles/news/view/35978/arthurian-knights-battle-glory-new-wizkids-game
New Asmodee
According to the ACD Distribution blog, Asmodee has quite a few titles due out in December and January, including Deus: Egypt, Aye! Dark Overlord, Legendary Inventors, Conan: Crossbowmen, Conan: Yogah of Yag, T.I.M.E. Stories: Expedition Endurance, and Watson & Holmes.
Source: http://acddistribution.blogspot.com/2016/11/new-december-january-releases-from.html
Dungeon Time
ACD Distribution also reports the December release date of Dungeon Time, “a real time, cooperative card game of exciting dungeon adventures and catastrophic failures.”
Source: http://acddistribution.blogspot.com/2016/11/new-from-ares-games-dungeon-time-new.html
Digital Lanterns
The folks at boardgamegeek.com TV offered a first look at the Lanterns: The Harvest Festival app for iOS.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tp3nb9-ixdI
Kickstarter Changes
I’m a fan of Jamey Stegmaier’s blog. In his latest post he talks about three recent Kickstarter changes: reward scheduling, referral tags, and Kickstarter Live. “[F]or me as a backer who rarely comments on updates or projects, if a creator told me he/she were launching a live video chat on Kickstarter, I’d absolutely check it out, even just for a few minutes. That face-to-face connection is really powerful.”
Source: http://stonemaiergames.com/3-new-kickstarter-platform-changes/
Not Hyperbole
Grant Rodiek recently wrote his annual report for Hyperbole Games and shared a sobering wrap-up of mistakes he made. “I printed only 1500 units [of Hocus], which is the minimum, and literally the worst possible margin. The money I spent here could have gone towards new games and projects, but now it’s tied up, potentially for years, or forever, as the games sell ever so slowly. This also has tax/inventory consequences. Basically, a terrible use of my very, very limited funds.”
Source: http://hyperbolegames.com/blog/2016-hyperbole-games-annual-report
Upcoming Board Game Conventions
November 11-13. San Diego Historical Games Convention. San Diego, California.
November 11-13. MEPACON. Scranton, Pennsylvania.
November 11-13. MACE. Charlotte, North Carolina.
November 25-27. Chessiecon. Timonium, Maryland.
January 27-29, 2017. Polar Vortex Convention. Glen Ellyn, Illinois.
February 17-20. Orccon 2017. Los Angeles, California.
April 7-9, 2017. Gaming Hoopla. Gurnee, Illinois.
May 26-29, 2017. Gamex 2017. Los Angeles, California.
September 1-4, 2017. Gateway 2017. Los Angeles, California.
Visit casualgamerevolution.com for more convention listings.