
The Village Square: November 9, 2015


Star Wars: Rebellion

As the days turn colder, I find myself craving hot bowls of pho and board games on the tabletop. Whether it’s the steam from the soup or the steam coming out of my ears after an lucky Dead of Winter exposure roll, both are great ways to keep warm during the last months of the year.

Here’s the latest from the cardboard community. Tweet me @RuelGaviola.

My Money, You Shall Take
Fantasy Flight Games announced the release of Star Wars: Rebellion for the first quarter of January 2016. I did my best not to salivate on the photo above.

The Next Big Thing
Hasbro announced the finalists in its crowdfunding party game challenge. The five game makers are competing for $10,000 and a trip to the Hasbro headquarters.

Triple Word Scoring
The Scrabble World Championship is underway in Perth, Australia. With 260 players vying for the crown, they have over a quarter of a million words to choose from, including newly added ones like twerking.

Retro board games are outselling video games on ebay, according to this report.

Never Too Late
One of the great things about the board game hobby is that it’s something that will last a lifetime. A former submarine commander is living proof, as the game he invented 40 years ago was finally published.

Go Facebook Go
Can a social media giant solve the ancient game of Go? Facebook’s deep learning project is tackling the game, along with plenty of other challenges for artificial intelligence.

Final Week to Give
We’re in the final week of auctioning games to benefit the Jack Vasel Memorial Fund, which benefits gamers who have suffered a personal hardship. Click here for more info.

A final look back at Essen, compliments of The Guardian.

Upcoming Board Game Conventions
Get out and game! (h/t reddit and boardgamegeek)

Nov. 12-15. Midwest GameFest. Kansas City, Kansas.
Nov. 13-15. San Diego Historical Games Convention. San Diego, California.
Nov. 13-15. MACE 2015. Charlotte, North Carolina.
Nov. 13-17. Dallas Games Marathon. Plano, Texas.
Nov. 14-15. DaveCon 2015. Okemos, Michigan.
Nov. 18-22. BGG.CON. Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, Texas.
Nov. 20-22. U-Con. Ypsilanti, Michigan.
Nov. 27-29. Chessiecon 2015. Timonium, Maryland


January 15-18. Brycecon 2016. Bryce Canyon City, Utah.
February 19-21. OwlCon. Houston, Texas.
March 4-6. Tennessee Game Days. Franklin, Tennessee.
March 4-6. FallsCon 2016. Witchita Falls, Texas.
March 18-20. Meeplecon. Las Vegas, Nevada.
April 22-24. Rocket City Gamefest. Huntsville, Alabama.
May 19-22. Geekway to the West. St. Louis, Missouri.
June 17-19. PolyCon 34. San Luis Obispo, California.

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