
The Village Square: October 27, 2016


I finally got around to teaching my wife how to play Takenoko, which I bought a few months ago. Turns out she’s a natural.

Time Clash
Doctor Who: Time Clash can now be pre-ordered on the Cubicle 7 website. The rulebook and preview are now available. “You’ll play cards representing plans, threats, tech, and quips to stacks that represent the time of the struggle, the Doctor’s companion, and the enemy’s influence. The two sides also compete to control the Doctor’s location, which activates or deactivates crucial powers.”

Expanding Agricola
According to Dice Tower News, WizKids is partnering with Lookout Games to bring six new expansions to Agricola. “[T]hese aren’t going to be expansions in the traditional sense, they are actually going to be called Upgrade Kits which do more to bling out your game than expand it’s [sic]content. … the kits will include brand new cards designed by Uwe Rosenberg himself, but the bulk of the pack is going to be pre-painted minis to replace one of the families in the game. Thus if you get all six you will have replaced all the colored discs representing the families with painted minis.”

Dice and Chimichangas
Deadpool will be joining the Dice Masters universe soon. From the WizKids website: “The merc with a mouth brings everything you love about him to Marvel Dice Masters: Deadpool. It goes without saying that you’ll love seeing Deadpool, Lady Deadpool, Dogpool, and Evil Deadpool. … it will have the first appearance of Inhumans, new characters from the Spider-Verse, and more characters from the pages of What If? like never before.”

GMT Releases
ACD Distribution reports that four GMT games will be released in November and December: Conquest of Paradise Deluxe Second Edition, 1846, Silver Bayonet 25th Anniversary, and Command & Colors: Napoleonics Expansion 6: Epic.

Stronghold Releases
ACD also lists November and December as the street dates for three Stronghold titles: The Fog of War, La Granja: The Dice Game – No Siesta!, Sola Fide: The Reformation.

Death Breath
According to, the latest expansion for Neuroshima Hex, Death Breath, will be out in January. “The Death Breath are a new army that’s upgradeable with a special token pool that gives them customization options.”

Lords of Salt and Sand
Fantasy Flight Games previewed the Lions of Casterly Rock expansion for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game. Although “primarily focused on House Lannister itself, you’ll also find new non-loyal cards for every other faction, alongside seven new plots to expand your options for any deck.” The expansion will be available November 3rd.

SPIEL Previews
The SPIEL game preview videos are now up on the BGG Youtube channel. There are plenty to view, so I’ve linked to one that features the expansion for Rome: Rise to Power, Revolt!

Best of SPIEL
Speaking of SPIEL, the Ars Technica folk highlighted their favorite games from this year’s event.

Must Love Board Games
A few weeks ago we shared the Must Love Board Games trailer. The movie is now available on Youtube, it’s half an hour and it’s a fun love letter (see what I did there?) to all of us board gamers.

Upcoming Board Game Conventions
October 28-30. ConnCon (Falcon 2016). Stamford, Connecticut.
November 4-6. Carnage Royale. Killington, Vermont.
November 11-13. San Diego Historical Games Convention. San Diego, California.
November 11-13. MEPACON. Scranton, Pennsylvania.
November 11-13. MACE. Charlotte, North Carolina.
November 25-27. Chessiecon. Timonium, Maryland.
January 27-29, 2017. Polar Vortex Convention. Glen Ellyn, Illinois.
April 7-9, 2017. Gaming Hoopla. Gurnee, Illinois.
Visit for more convention listings.

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