Wishing everybody a fun upcoming week of gaming!
The standalone expansion to Kingdomino, will be released this November. According to the ACD Distribution blog, “Queendomino is a game completely independent from Kingdomino, while offering a choice of more complex challenges. Two to four players can play Queendomino independently, but also in connection with Kingdomino, allowing for games with 7×7 grids for four players, or for up to six players if you stick to 5×5 grids.”
Source: http://acddistribution.blogspot.com/2017/09/queendomino-coming-in-november-from.html
History of the World
According to ICv2.com, a new version of History of the World will be published by Z-Man Games at the end of the year. “Originally published in 1991 by Ragnar Brothers, History of the World has become a favorite among fans of strategic conquest game. The game covers the entire span of human history, from the earliest appearance of civilization through the early 20th Century.”
Source: https://icv2.com/articles/news/view/38505/z-man-games-rewrites-history-world
Istanbul Dice
Found on the Pegasus Spiele website: Istanbul: Das Wurfelspiel, a dice-based version of Istanbul. It’ll be available later this year, but no North America release date has been set. It “maintains the charm and look of its big brother, but compresses it into a fast and easy-to-learn family game. This makes it appealing for fans of the board game as well as newcomers who are slowly proceeding to more advanced games/”
Source: https://www.pegasusshop.de/?thisoperationid=2&Action-Reload-Current-Page=&NewLanguage=en
My First Stone Age – The Card Game
Dice Tower News reports that My First Stone Age – The Card Game is due out later this year. “For those who own 2016’s My First Stone Age, this newest addition acts as an expansion with the tiles being added to the original game and the tokens adding additional strategic options for gathering resources. This flexibility with the product is outstanding both for value and practicality, as it allows the newest edition to gain more legs as it’s outgrown the potential of it’s own merits and effectively add depth to a bigger game.”
Source: http://www.dicetowernews.com/my-first-stone-age-the-card-game-coming-this-year/47049
Kickstarter Lessons
Interesting thread on reddit from a someone who backed over 100 board game projects. “As time progressed, I kept kickstarting more and more due to the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO).”
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/comments/700jrz/an_epiphany_after_25_years_backing_board_games_on/?st=j7m19v9k&sh=d247d27d
Friese Diary
Friedmann Friese talked about developing multiple games at once, including the three of his Fast Forward series. “The easy game FEAR is very good to learn the “Fast Forward” concept, and a great game to play with the complete family and casual gamers. And FORTRESS is the next step, more complex without being complicated, a game with a lot of great surprises. And finally FLEE, a game in which you really have to focus to solve the cooperative puzzle.”
Source: https://boardgamegeek.com/blogpost/68866/designer-diary-five-fable-games-or-what-was-i-thin
Upcoming Board Game Conventions
September 30-October 1. Mini Wars. Fullerton, California.
October 6-8. TsunamiCon. Wichita, Kansas.
October 6-8. CinCityCon. Cincinnati, Ohio.
October 7-8. Congress of Gamers. Rockville, Maryland.
October 13-15. XPO 2017. Tulsa, Oklahoma.
October 13-15. ConnCon/FallCon. Stamford, Connecticut.
November 17-19. PAX Unplugged. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
January 19-21. Cascade Games Con. Bellingham, Washington.
Visit casualgamerevolution.com for more convention listings.