Episode 11 – First Five
Join the iSlaytheDragon crew on a trip down memory lane as we discuss the first→
Join the iSlaytheDragon crew on a trip down memory lane as we discuss the first→
Recently, the ‘Dragon has featured a couple articles highlighting two of our team’s personal Top→
Why, Why, Why?! is a series of highly subjective, perhaps personally charged, and often provocative→
Why, Why, Why?! is a series of highly subjective, perhaps personally charged, and often provocative→
It’s tradition for the senior class at my daughter’s high school to conclude every academic→
War games. When hearing the very words, many run screaming. Others imagine white-haired men bending→
Competition is at the heart of any game. Indeed, it’s a characteristic that often defines→
Last week I was away on vacation. My ego hopes that you noticed, but regardless,→
Who doesn’t like to carve out their own little fiefdom, now and then? Whether it’s→
Ladies and gentlemen, the NEWS: The National Post talks Diplomacy [Link] This is an interesting article on→
One of the simpler and under-rated joys in life is playing with kids. As it→
This week is GenCon, so that’s the biggest news. If you’re not going (like me),→
Board game design, at least within the hobby, is considered an art form. Mechanics in→
Tales and Legends is yet another mini-expansion for Small World, but this time instead of→
Small World: Cursed! is a mini-expansion to the game Small World that adds a few→
Grand Dames of Small World is a mini-expansion to Small World, adding three new races→
[Editors note: The following is a Nemesis Review, featuring opinions from our in-house thematic-loving @futurewolfie→
We discussed it earlier—the near tragedy of the box that sits. Variety may be the→
I’ve heard it defended as “protecting your investment.” I’ve heard detractors say, “It’s like your→
I played “Race for the Galaxy” for the first time today over lunch. I→
Yesterday I shared my impressions of games including Agricola, Kingsburg, and Ascension. Today I’m finishing→
Not that I want to decrease my chances, but another blog blogger is giving away→