I’ve toyed around with doing some kind of video for iSlaytheDragon for a while. I know many people like watching video reviews over reading long text reviews, but I haven’t felt like I have the resources to produce video reviews that would be high quality enough and stand out from the crowd of video reviewers out there.
We finally came up with the idea to do something a little different. It’s not just a talk show, it’s not a podcast, it’s not a video review series. We’re pretty happy with what we ended up with. It’s a little rough on the edges but as we keep doing this we’ll smooth out those edges and make it better and better.
Hopefully you enjoy the show. And if you don’t, hey, we only wasted 3 minutes of your time.
If you do like it, it’d be great if you should share this with your friends. We could use the support of many viewers if you want us to keep doing this. And once you watch the video, please let us know in the comments what you’d like to see us do in future episodes.
We’ll be releasing these once a week for about 10 weeks. That’ll be our season 1. If people like it, we’ll probably make more.
But for now, enjoy the first episode of Under the Table: