You know the old game – usually its books or movies. Why not for games? After all, it’s far more likely that you’ll be trapped on a desert island with another person than with electricity and a television set.
So, same old drill – you are somehow stranded on a desert island with a few other people who are willing to play whatever it is you brought with you to pass the time. Which 5 games would you make sure to have with you?
Here’s my list:
5. Arkham Horror – a nice loong game to pass by significant portions of a day, plus no risk of alienating your friends since you’re all working together.
4. Carcassonne – this game is just fun. It’s fun to build all the cities and roads and farms. Fun to play and then play again to see how it builds differently. Also a gentle reminder of civilization in this godforsaken place.
3. Tobago – I know, I know, you’re already stuck on an island, so why bring a game about searching for treasure on one, especially when it is highly unlikely the real island has any treasure? Well, my theory here is that you could divide the real island into hexes and use the cards to play a full size game of Tobago, with plenty of running around and exploring of the island to get your blood moving.
2. Dominion w/ expansions – Dominion is just a great game, and with all the different combinations of cards you can use, especially with the expansions, you can get a lot of variety out of the one game, which is always good for defeating boredom.
1. Cosmic Encounter – While this list is only sort of in an order, this is definitely my #1 pick. Just like Dominion, the variety of Alien powers creates a lot of replayability – but in this game, it’s like playing a new game with each new combination of powers, which is most excellent when stuck on an island with a limited selection. Also, this is my very favorite game, its very fun, and it keeps everyone very very involved the whole time.
So there’s my list. What about you? What 5 games would you have, and why?