Episode 13 – Power to the Player
The iSlaytheDragon crew discuss variable player powers. What are they and do we like them?→
The iSlaytheDragon crew discuss variable player powers. What are they and do we like them?→
Join the iSlaytheDragon crew on a trip down memory lane as we discuss the first→
There’s nothing more glamorous than being a board game reviewer. Throngs of adoring fans, mountains→
It seems that there truly is no end to the Cosmic Encounter universe. Despite 50→
The planet Zenobia has just been discovered, and before you can finish reading the announcement,→
On the high seas, everyone gets their fair share! At least if they’re savvy. And→
War. Conflict. This is a driving force in many board games, and it makes sense.→
This week’s NEWS: Gil Hova (Prolix, Battle Merchants) provides a simple taxonomy for recreational games→
Why, Why, Why?! is a series of highly subjective, perhaps personally charged, and often provocative→
Theme. It’s a word that many of us in the board gaming hobby employ→
There is nothing new under the sun. History repeats itself. What has been will be→
“It’s the holiday season…” Or at least it’s coming. And that’s probably why this was→
Space is not a safe place to be. It can be dangerous to go alone.→
Space maybe the final frontier, but the frontier of space itself seems unending. With nearly→
The big news this week was a failed Kickstarter campaign and the discussion surrounding it.→
When you enter the world of hobby board gaming, even for a quick visit, you→
REX! Starring: LionsThe final days of the Lazax began in the seventy-third year of the→
“It’s that time of year, when the world falls in love…” It’s also that time→
[Editors note: The following is a Nemesis Review, featuring opinions from our in-house thematic-loving @futurewolfie→
There was quite the Twitter conversation a few days ago based on what games (if→
“Three strikes and you’re out!” is a common system for deciding when enough is enough.→
We all have games we love and games we strongly dislike. Usually we get pretty good→
New years are great. New Year’s Day may be a seemingly arbitrary holiday to some,→
Now that 2011 has come to a close, we can safely look back at all→
Christmas is right around the corner, and this means that gift-buying season is in full→
There is no I in “team” (though if you rearrange the letters, you can get→
Synergy. A strategy working in perfect sync. An engine with every part in its place.→
Maybe it’s hipster contrarianism. Maybe you really are special. In any case, for better or→
We all know the drill. If you go over to Billy’s house, he may play→
Saturday night should have been an ideal time to game. My wife was having several→
Everybody likes to talk about their favorite things, and today we satisfy that urge with→
You know the old game – usually its books or movies. Why not for→