
News Bits: 12/10/2012


On to the news!

Tim Seitz Memorial Auction up on BGG [LinkThe guys from Nevermore Games are running a memorial auction for their friend who died suddenly. All of the proceeds will be used to help Tim’s widow and family. One of the items is to receive every game that Nevermore will create. Bid and donate generously!

Derek Thompson of MeepleTown interviews Alan Moon (Ticket to Ride) and Reiner Knizia (Ra, Tigris & Euphrates) [Moon, Knizia] The big nugget I took from the Alan Moon interview was right at the beginning, that “That’s so simple! Why didn’t I think of that?” is the highest compliment one game designer can pay to another. And, indeed, Ticket to Ride’s simplicity is one of the reasons why I continue to recommend it at every chance I get. And Reiner Knizia is one of my favorite designers, so it’s always interesting to hear his perspective on the design process (and not in his guru, fortune-cookie tweet format)

Expansions on the way for Marvel Legendary [Link] Upper Deck posted a release schedule on their blog. Looks like a once-a-year large-box expansion and small-box expansions following every three to four months in between. Finally! A way to monetize the Marvel Universe! Oh wait…

Awesome Level 9000 coming to Smash Up this March [LinkIn AEG’s most recent newsletter, the company announced that the first expansion to Smash Up will release in March 2013. It will include four new factions (Killer Plants, Ghosts, Steampunks, and Bear Cavalry) and eight new bases. If you don’t know about Smash Up, check out our review here. I’m especially excited to see what the Bear Cavalry are like–I love that idea.

FLGS owners are NPCs [Link] Or so claims this article. I really like this article from Black Diamond Games owner Gary Ray. I also have consistently liked his blog. It provides a great perspective of the other side of the hobby games industry. (And, for more of that great perspective, here is, from the same blog, their store’s top game companies of the past year by sales. The commentary is just as interesting as the data.)

Star Wars LCG tutorial video is live [Link] Fantasy Flight’s typical high production value goes into this video. I found the Lord of the Rings one very helpful when I was learning that game.

Reviewers reflect on games they’ve reviewed [LinkMark Taylor of Painted Wooden Cubes looks back on games he’s reviewed to update his opinion. I’ve often thought of doing this, as it’s true that opinions change (for better or worse) over time. iSlaytheDragon is a very different gaming blog than Painted Wooden Cubes (we are often more a blog of the now, whereas PWC seeks to examine games as objects that last), and while I think there’s value to both perspectives, I’m very interested in this retrospective approach. I guess what I’m saying is I’m glad others are doing it; maybe I’ll join in someday. Oh, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t post a link to Joel Eddy’s (Drive-Thru Reviews) geeklist of written retrospectives. I enjoy those quite a bit as well.


Kickstarters of Note
The Kickstarters must be on a Christmas launching hiatus, and I can’t say I blame them. Have you seen a project that piques your interest? Post it in the comments!

Completely Unrelated Awesomeness of the Week
This week I have two awesomenesses for you. The first is completely unrelated, the second less so. First, we have this pictorial representation of “Joy to the World.” Yes, this looks much like my childhood Christmases with three older siblings.

Second, and more on topic, we have this review from Tom Vasel (The Dice Tower) of the game Redneckopoly. Tom is often accused of being too complimentary of the games he plays. I don’t think anyone can accuse him of that in this video…

I'll try anything once, but my favorite games are generally middleweight Euros.

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