
The New News Bits: August 25, 2014


Over two years ago FarmerLenny started up a little thing called the New Bits and he has faithfully been offering up his unique take on what happened in the world of board gaming each week since.  It’s been very sad to see him leave our team but he agreed to continue doing the news up through Gen Con.  For those paying attention Gen Con has come and gone which means the time has finally come for someone else to take over the news and that person is me (Andrew).  I hope to maintain FarmerLenny’s high standards with this popular weekly offering while putting my own spin on things.  Don’t worry, FarmerLenny and I are both sensible euro gamers so you’ll continue to see much of what you’ve come to expect from this section and none of this Ameritrash nonsense (kidding?).  I’m not planning to make drastic changes but I’m open to suggestions and feedback on what you would like to see from our illustrious New Bits in the future so don’t be shy, leave some comments below.  Just don’t hurt my feelings.  Things are a bit light this week but I promise to fill it out by next Monday!  On that note, I bring you the week’s news.

Some Interesting Stuff

Gen Con coverage continues

I’m dedicating this week’s new round-up to Gen Con.  I recently caved and subscribed to twitter (@UpliftAndrew) and it has been amazing to experience the community that exists there and how excited everyone has been about Gen Con.  There has been so much incredible content (not to mention amazing games) that came out of the convention that it would be a disservice not to mention as much of it as possible.  FarmerLenny touched on some of initial coverage but there has been so much more in the past week.


Last Week on iSlayTheDragon

We had a packed week as Wolfie and I did our best to bring you our impressions on some of the hottest games from Gen Con.  For those that enjoyed the extra content, our coverage will continue throughout this week!



Gen Con Coverage:


Game Lookout

We previously had a Kickstarters of Note section here but I’d like to broaden the horizons upcoming games that we’re excited about that may or may not be on Kickstarter.  Introducing the Game Lookout!

  • Arler Erde – Uwe’s Spiel bound 2-player game finally gets a cover (along with German preorder)!
  • Clockwork Wars Kickstarter - Icon – Wolfie did an interview with Hassan Lopez about this beautiful civilization game.  Grab it for $85.
  • The Institute For Magical Arts Kickstarter - Icon – The latest offering from Dr. Finn (Biblios) funds successfully.  One week left to get a copy for $26.
  • La Isla – For those that like unboxing videos, here’s the always cutting edge work of Michael Wißner
  • Temporum – News on Donald X’s take on time travel has started to trickle in from demos at Gen Con and it sounds great

Rulebook Corner

I love reading rulebooks for upcoming games.  In this section of Game Lookout I’ll be putting up the latest rulebooks that I’ve been reading.


What We’ve Been Playing

Portrait - Andrew Andrew’s Plays 

Battle at Kemble's Cascade - ThumbThe Battle at Kemble’s Cascade – Gen Con was a big weekend for me but unfortunately I didn’t really have the time to follow it up with any games this week.  The closest I came was to excitedly read the manual for The Battle at Kemble’s Cascade and bring it along with me to a weekend wedding trip.  As weddings go things were pretty busy and we didn’t get the chance to stop and relax long enough to for a full game.  I did, however, unwrap everything and show it off to several of my friends who are big old school video game enthusiasts and they were very impressed by what they saw (especially the amazing boss design).  I’m not going to make any promises but I’ll be trying my hardest to get this one played this week.  I did find it baffling that the game didn’t have a solitaire version as it seems perfect for that sort of thing.


I love optimization and engine games with tableau builders and card driven ones being my favorite. This usually means medium-heavy euros and medium-light card games.

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