Tagged: dexterity

Featured8.5/10 0

Those wacky penguins are at it again. When they’re not disrupting study hall they’re slacking

Reviews8.5/10 1

While exploring, you stumble upon some strange glyphs–hints at how the ancient temple of Menara

Reviews8.5/10 0

You’ve heard the saying – one man’s trash is another’s treasure. In this case, we’re

Featured8/10 0

Nuh-nuh-nuhnuhnuhnuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh… A night under the big top! So much to see! The dancing monkey! The

Featured7.5/10 1

“Are you ready?” “Ready for what?” “Are you ready to meet your opponents on the

Reviews6.5/10 1

School is booooring! The only good thing worth looking forward to is lunch. But I’m

Featured8/10 1

Splickety splork! Slop and sloob! Er… um. Gloobz. More gloobz! What? Now that I’ve lost

Reviews8/10 0

The penguins on Madagascar always stressed, “Smile and wave.”  And while Skipper, Rico, Kowalski and

Reviews7/10 0

I’ve spent many a quarter at an air hockey machine. I’ve been known to twist

Gen Con 1

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