Review: Roll for the Galaxy: Rivalry
It was easy enough in the past to tend to your own galactic gardens, assigning→
It was easy enough in the past to tend to your own galactic gardens, assigning→
New worlds, new technologies, new frontiers. The outer reaches of space are there for the→
Join the iSlaytheDragon crew on a trip down memory lane as we discuss the first→
A day at the beach! Yes, you’ve watched The Deadliest Catch and know that the real money→
Being a galactic ruler is hard work. Every decision you make involves a compromise. The→
A new page has begun in the village chronicle. As mayor, what will your legacy→
You didn’t listen when the outcry against GMO farming reached its fever pitch, and now,→
Believe it or not we here at iSlayTheDragon do not agree on everything. Perhaps you’ve→
Today I would like to talk about my favorite new [Rattle Rattle Rattle]Â … Ahem,→
In the future, space and resources are scarce. Move over, bricks and I-beams, and welcome→
Time travel has been discovered. Now you can go into the past, fight injustices, and→
It’s the start of a new year which means looking back and reflecting on the→
It’s been a while since our last installment of Shelf Wear. Â In fact, we started→
For the past seven years there’s been one weekend each year where I clear my→
Here’s hoping the groundhog’s wrong (doesn’t seem to be so far). Here, also, is this→
That pretty much sums up my 2013!At the beginning of 2011 I was inspired to→
My daughter by the Christmas treeI remember Christmas time from my childhood fondly. Â Every year→
I wouldn’t describe myself as being a member of the Cult of the New, a→
Another week, and here’s the NEWS: Hanabi Extra released in Germany [Link] Bigger cards (Dixit→
The Agents is a card game currently on Kickstarter with an interesting mechanism, what the→
“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” Shakespeare wasn’t→
There are a lot of new-fangled mechanics that have come to popularity in the recent→
This is a gaming blog. I don’t think I need to sell you on the→
Categorizing mechanics can be a tricky thing as we recently saw in a series of→
I know: the title of this review is probably not making you very enthusiastic about→
I’m something of an archivist and always have been. I enjoy documenting and tracking both→
In recent twitter activity, the question came up as to what exactly player interaction is.→
Everyone’s had that experience. They get excited about an upcoming game. They hear the hype.→
[Editors note: The following is a Nemesis Review, featuring opinions from our in-house eurogamer, @Farmerlenny,→
Everyone loves those gaming sessions where the stars align and everyone shows up. Options abound—games→
As I continue to develop Armyland (a most complex, challenging, and time-consuming project which will→
Welcome to the very first NEMESIS REVIEW on iSlaytheDragon. In this post, @FarmerLenny offers a→