The Village Square: October 21, 2019
Wishing everybody a happy Internationale Spieltage SPIEL! Days of Wonder at EssenThe Days of Wonder→
Wishing everybody a happy Internationale Spieltage SPIEL! Days of Wonder at EssenThe Days of Wonder→
When I first opened my copy of LAMA, my kids were immediately drawn to the→
Those cheeky monkeys are always getting into trouble. And there are so many of them!→
It is time for the emperor’s annual trip through the garden, and you are determined→
Water isn’t something you think about much when you have a flowing supply available at→
Munchkin goes collectible It’s always been “collectible,” but this time that’s the point of the→
There are lots of games that make getting the lowest score the goal, but in→
Ah! Another chance to travel the Mediterranean! Your old job had you bidding on goods→
Reiner Knizia has had a good run–such a good run that many of his older→
Certainly not a waste Fantasy Flight Games will release Fallout later this year. The post-nuclear→
In 2015, HABA–traditionally known as a publisher of fine children’s games–exploded into the family market→
Note: Wettlauf Nach El Dorado is now available in English as The Quest for El→
My Sunday Funday included gaming with friends and the strangest ending to an Oscars broadcast→
The planet Zenobia has just been discovered, and before you can finish reading the announcement,→
This year has seen several of Reiner Knizia’s games return to print. Ra, Schotten-Totten, and Circus→
Border Battle in Brigadoon Boundary disputes with neighbors are never pleasant, but they are especially unpleasant→
The only good thing about my fantasy football season getting off to a terrible start:→
A day at the races. You put up with the smell of horses because of→
Egypt can be a brutal land. State funerals, war, drought, and destruction seem around every→
Step right up and enter the little top to see the most amazing circus in→
Last year marked Reiner Knizia’s thirtieth anniversary of designing games, and to commemorate the occasion, he→
In modern board gaming, we tend to have a short memory and a long wishlist. Six→
The emperor has lost his hold on Japan, and the time has come to act.→
Daedalus is trapped with his son, Icarus, on Crete. So Daedalus fashions a set of wings→
“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and→
Indigo is a deep shade of blue derived from the Indian indigo plant. In ancient→
In modern board gaming, we tend to have a short memory and a long wishlist. Six→
The other day I tweeted out a tweet, as I sometimes do, about something I→
Good-byes are never easy. I joined the iSlaytheDragon team three years ago and have→
Remember when news boys stood out on the streets with bundles of papers shouting, “Extra!→
Ah, the Mediterranean! It’s time to trade. It’s time to ship goods! Been there, done→
Theme. It’s a word that many of us in the board gaming hobby employ→